Chapter 8: Falling Part 2 ●

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Rewritten on 11.5.2022

Trisha's POV

I was on Leia's lap, she had her hands on my hips. "Leia" I let out a breath "What? You're the one who teased me." She replies pulling me closer "I was just asking you if you liked me" I shrugged my shoulders "And what if I did?" She goes closer to my face "I wouldn't mind" I whisper to her ears, "Trisha, you are actually testing me are you?" I could feel her hot breath. I shrugged my shoulders, "What if I kissed you?" She questioned going closer to my lips. Sh*t I wanna kiss her so badly. You can't fall for her, you can't. She smirks and leans back to go to her original position, such a tease.

"What's the point of chasing him away if you won't go through with it" I scoff getting up going to the bed.

I feel hands on my waist. I look back and saw Leia smiling "So you do want my kisses?" She says walking forward making me back up, I hit the bed and fell laying down.

She pins me to the bed using one hand. She leans in going closer and closer every second. Her lips were just inches away from mine. I couldn't handle it anymore and connected our lips closing the gap between us, she was shocked and kissed back after a few seconds. She deepens the kiss, I wrap my arms around her neck pulling her closer.

When we pull away, Leia smiles "Really wanted my kisses do you darling~" she says making me blush so hard. I cover my face with my hands to hide my blushing, Leia chuckles. She gets my hands from my face "Don't hide your face, you're beautiful" she tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear and smiles. She is making me go crazyyy, she is making me fall for her.

"What do you want now?" She asks upon seeing my face "I want cuddles" I say with puppy eyes "okay" she replies while positioning us on the pillows. She opens her arms signaling for me to cuddle up to her, I went to her and hugged her. My face was on her neck, "Thank you" I mumble "Always welcome" she replies making me hug her tighter. I felt my eyes getting heavier, I was starting to fall asleep.


I woke up in Leia's arm, I tried to get up but Leia would not let go. "No, you're staying with me" she says with a sleepy and raspy voice, which is honestly literally so attractive. "We have filming today right?" I say to her "Hmm I don't care" she says pulling me closer "You will get to kiss me in the filming~" I tease her, she instantly gets up "Okay let's go" she says making me chuckle.

She goes to the bathroom to take a bath, I also took a bath after her.

Leia's Outfit

Trisha's Outfit

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Trisha's Outfit

Trisha's Outfit

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