Chapter 11: Still Courtship ●

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Rewritten on 11.5.2022

Leia's POV

I woke up due to loud thunder and checked my phone, it was 4 AM. I rubbed my eyes and saw Trish covering her ears while closing her eyes, sitting on the bed.

I immediately got up and went on the bed going in front of her, I held her hands and caressed it with my thumb. I put earphones in her ears with calming music and made her lay down, I laid down with her and she cuddled up to me.

I was rubbing her back in order to comfort her, her face was on my neck. I felt her breathing going slower and softer, I think she fell asleep. I started getting sleepy


I woke up with Trisha in my arms, I slowly got up and got my phone. It was 7AM, I took a bath and changed my clothes. When I was done, I sat on the chair and got my laptop to do work.

After an hour, I closed my laptop and looked at Trisha. She was sleeping peacefully and cutely, I just used my phone while waiting for her to wake up.

After 20 minutes, I saw Trisha stretching while yawning. "Goodmorning Beautiful, had a good sleep?" I greet "It's always good when it's with you" she smiles, I got up and went to her. "You're cute" I kissed her cheek, she kissed my lips pulling me closer to her. "Really wanted my kisses?" I tease her, she playfully hits my shoulder.

"What time is it?" She asks "Uhh 8:24" I say while looking at my watch, I got up and sat down on the chair. "Okay, I'll get ready" she gets up and goes to the bathroom, after a few minutes she comes out drying her hair. She sits on the bed while checking her phone, I just stared at her admiring her.

After a few minutes, she spoke. "So, will you just stare at me all day?" She faces me "Maybe, you're just so beautiful that I can't help it" I place my head on my hand, "Hmm, okay" she says. After a few minutes, someone called me. I went to the balcony to take the call,

"Hello, who is this?"


"Hi E, why'd you call?"

"I'm bored"

"You called for that?"


"Wow, okay. What do you want me to do about your boredom?"

"Talk to me"

"K, about what"


I sat down and talked with E, we talked for quite some time.

After a few minutes, Trisha knocked on the windows. She opened the door, "Filming" she says. I said goodbye to E and went back in the room, "Let's go?" I ask while opening the door. She went out and we both went to the elevator, we went down to the lounge to meet the crew. "Hey guys!" Zach greets "Hey" I say "Oh my gosh, Trisha Leroy, is that a hickey?" Bella asks going closer to Trisha "No, just a bruise" Trisha replies making Bella raise her eyebrow "Hmm okay.." she says suspiciously "Okay, let's go!" The director says.

3 pm

After filming, there was a delivery again. Which is from me to Trisha, her favorite chocolates with a note. When Trisha received it, I saw her smile making me smile too.

The note:

To: Trisha

You look beautiful as always, have a great day ;)

Love, You know who

After the delivery thing, Trisha and I had to do a scene. We had to do a few takes since I kind messed up on something. But after that scene, we had a break. I was sitting, just chilling using my phone. But then I saw my really dramatic cousin going in the hotel while taking her sunglasses off, I got up and went to her.

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