Chapter 36: End of A Chapter

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A/N I made a mistake, I think this chapter was supposed to be before LEOL but anyways.. think of LEOL as a random situation chapter. Yuh. Basta in the month of August yun.

I guess Leia's haircut is after this chapter.

This chapter is right after their monthsary.

Leia's POV

I woke up due to some loud rain, Trisha was in my arms. I kissed her forehead and got up. I stretched my arms, yawning. I looked back to see Trisha, buried on the pillow. Not wearing that much.

I looked out the windows, rain has always been one of my favorite weathers. Thunder too. Well, until I met Trisha. I looked at the clock, checking the time. 4am. I should go back to sleep.

I laid back down on the bed, wrapping my arm around Trisha's waist. Placing my head on the crown of her head. She moans softly. "Leee" she whines "What's wrong love?" I ask "Your hands are cold" she giggles, she holds my hand playing with my rings. 

"Are you tired love" I kiss her shoulders, giving her gentle kisses. "It's 4am in the morning" I mumble against her soft skin, she mumbled something. "What was that my love?" I ask "Your fault" she mumbled making me chuckle.

Thunder crashed.

I put my hand on her ear, hugging her tighter. She whimpered, hanging her head down. "I love you" I say into her ears. "I love you so much" she softly says, I kissed her neck.


I woke up to kisses on my neck, I opened my eyes and saw Trisha's beautiful face. "Morning love" I smiled, she smiled "Thank you for last night" she softly says. "For what?" I ask chuckling, brushing through her hair, "For everything" she mumbles. I smiled "Always welcome" I whisper.

I went in the bathroom freshening up. I sit back down beside her.

"Well, you want breakfast my love?" I ask, kissing her forehead. She nods, I give her a kiss before getting up. "You look great" she smiles, I winked at her and went to the kitchen.

I cooked a quick but delicious breakfast for my beautiful girlfriend and me. I place the food on a tray, taking it to the bedroom. I put it on the bed, she sits up smiling. "Did I give you my gift?" I ask, I think it slipped my mind. "Nope" she gets the utensils "Okay, wait" I got out the room.

I get the bag that is my gift, "Well, I actually didn't buy this" I went in the room seeing Trisha eating. "So..someone else bought it?" She asked "No! No no no no no" I deny "I kinda uhh, made it" I scratch the back of my neck, she lets out a smile. "Awe, really?" She gets the bag, "Wait wait, before you open it" I hold her wrist.

"I made this when I was younger, to give to my future girlfriend/boyfriend. Don't judge." I fidget with my ring on my finger, she smiles softly. Opening the gift which was carefully packed with a ribbon. I anxiously watched her while playing with my ring.

I looked down, looking at my ring.

"Awh," I hear her say, I look up. Checking her reaction. She held a handmade bracelet in her hand. God, that brings back so much memories. Never thought that I would get my dream girl this soon.

I smiled, "I love it. Thank you." She smiled, her nose scrunches. Inspecting the bracelet. "Okay, uhm, there's something else in there" I say, she puts the bracelet back. She looks more in the bag, seeing a mini bottle with a note inside.

"Awh it's so cute" she giggles, opening it. She opens the note. The code to my penthouse. "I love you so much" she kisses my cheek, "I love you so much too." I kiss her softly.

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