Chapter 35: LEOL

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A/N I made a uhm think of this chapter like the LK and OR chapter. Like a sitcom episode. Like a random chapter showing a situation.

Uhm yeah.

Leia's POV

I looked to Lily playing with the guitar. "I still don't know why you don't sing" I mention "Well, you're the singer in the house. I don't sing, I only sing when I'm with you" she frowns "Hmm, not even Liv?" I point out "Hm, why do you even want me to sing" she faces me "You have a great voice! You would put it to waste. You should sing, I mean not for like people, like just for close friends like OLIVIA" I sit down next to her. "And plus, you helped me with some of my songs. You can also write." I add

"Hm, kay," she starts playing the guitar.

"Cause all of the small things that you do are what remind me why I fell for you~" My sister sang as she played the guitar "And when were apart and I'm missing you~" she continues "I close my eyes and all I see is you~ and the small things you do" I play the piano, "Small things you do~~" I add.

She continues singing as I accompany her with the piano, I looked to Lily who thinking about something while singing and smiling. Gay beach.

I looked to the doors of the music room as I played the piano, I saw something moving. Hmm. Wind??

We finish the song, I smiled to Lily. "YOU CAN SING?!?!?" I hear making me burst out laughing, I look to Lily looking at Olivia who was at the door. Olivia went in the room, sitting on Lily's lap. SLM.

"You didn't tell me that you could sing. After all those years, how did I not catch you sing" Liv pouts "I don't sing!" Lily states "I love your voice alreadyyy" Liv says kissing Lily, I swear this is making me feel single. I want Trisha now. I pout as I listen to them talking.


"Oookay.. I should not have come here" Evelyn says from the door making me chuckle looking at her, I stood up and went to her. "Save me from singleness" I get her hat "You're taken" she points out chuckling "But Trisha's not here" I whine "God. You're such a baby" she chuckles "They are making me so single." I state looking back to them, they were flirting giving eachother small kisses.

Yep. I wanna meet Trisha now. "Can I leave? I wanna go to Trisha now." I say to them making them face me "Nope, can't do that." Lily says standing up with Liv, "Can I call Trisha? Like 5 minutes" I get my phone. "Fine but go in a different room" Evelyn sighs, I smile at them and went to my room. 

I video called Trisha, she picked up quickly. "Hey bub," she greeted "Loveee, Lily and Liv are making me feel single" I pout, she chuckles drinking water. "But you aren't single my love" she replies "Yeah. Iloveyou" I flash a smile "I love you too" she smiles gorgeously "Are you working? Are you tired? Have you eaten?" I ask "Yes, No, Yes" she said making me smile "I thought you were hanging with friends, Why'd you call me?" She fixes her hair "Because they were making me feel single and I missed you my love" I sigh "I miss you too, now bond with them" she says making me hang my head down, I swear I tolerate this only because I love her. If I didn't, I would not listen to her and just drive to her.

I sigh, "Fine." She smiles, "I love you, bye, don't tire yourself" I say. "I love you too, bye, have fun" I smile at her response, I blow her a kiss before ending the call. I got up and went back to them, "Okay, I'm good now" I smiled.

"Gay beach" Lily stated "Like you" I rolled my eyes going to Evelyn who was focused on her screen, I looked at her phone over her shoulder. "Boyfriend? Girlfriend?" I ask as her hand quickly closes her phone, "Hmmmm" I hum.

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