Chapter 16: Parents ●

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Rewritten on 11.13.2022

Trisha's POV

Leia didn't call me last night, probably busy. The last thing she told me was that she was going to the office. I decided to message her 'goodmorning', she doesn't seen or reply. I went out of my bedroom and went to the kitchen to get breakfast, I cooked bacon and eggs.

I ate my breakfast and decided to go live in IG, I decided to chat with them. "Hey guys! Good morning, how's your day so far?" I greet then looked at the comments, they were all saying how they felt this morning. "Have you guys eaten breakfast?" I ask, most of them say no. "You guys should eat, breakfast is the most important meal" I smile, I chat with them.

"Yea, I might have-" I get cut off by my phone ringing "I'm sorry, I'll answer this" I excuse myself "Hi" I say "Miss Kesse has been in the office since last night, her office is locked and nobody has been able to check up on her." Our secretary says "Okay, send me a car" I say getting up, I got the phone that I'm streaming with. "Uhh I have to do something guys, thank you for chatting with me. Hope you guys have a great day!" I wave goodbye and ended the stream, I went to the ground floor and got in the car that was sent for me.

It took a little while to go to the office, we arrived and I thank the driver.

I went in the building and went to the floor of our offices, I went in and saw our secretary. "She's still there" she informs me, I nod to thank her and went to Leia's office opening it with a key I have.

I saw her half asleep with a messy bun looking beautiful, I closed the door and went to her. "Love?" I ask "Did you sleep?" I fixed her hair "Yea, like a few seconds" she grins making me chuckle "You should sleep Lee" I say leading her to the couch she has in her office, she lays down and looks at me. "I have work Trishh" she says "I can do it for you, we have the same position anyways" I say going closer to her "I love you" she says making me smile, "Your smile is so beautiful" she says tiredly and softly. I got a blanket and put it on her, I kiss her forehead "Sleep well love" I got up and went to her desk.

I did the work on her desk and ordered some food for her, I took a picture of the view from the office and posted it on my story.

I stayed at the desk doing some work for hours until Leia got her sleep. After a few hours, I just took a nap.


When I woke up, I looked to the couch and Leia wasn't there. "Oh hey love" I heard from behind, I turned around and saw Leia on the balcony. She walked to me "Thank you bub" she kisses my lips, "Always welcome" I smile. "Your smile is beautiful" she kisses my cheek "Food?" I ask "Sure" I tell the secretary to get the food, "I love you" she says. She was about to kiss me when our secretary came in, I was still on the chair and Leia was leaning on the desk looking at me. The secretary gives us the food and puts it on the desk "Thank you" Leia says, she nods and goes out of the office.

"I love you too" I say, she smiles and kisses me. I got up from the chair "Eat now" I say "Yes ma'am" she says and sits down on the chair, I went to the couch and used my phone.

"I'm done" she says making me face her, the secretary came in and got the food. When she went out, I went to Leia. "Soo you did my work?" She asks "Yeah, why didn't you ask me for help. We have the same postition and you shouldn't overwork yourself" I say "We just got back, I didn't want you to do work" she scratches the back of her neck, I went in front of her. " that why I never have work?" I ask "Uh, maybe??" She mumbles, I kiss her lips. She doesn't let me pull away and pulls me to her lap, the phone rings making her pull away. She doesn't let me get up and has her hands on my waist, she picks the call up.

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