Chapter 38: Only Yours.

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A/N this chapter is...messy

Leia's POV

"Happy Birthday!" I greet my brother with a hug, "Thank you Lei" Louis pats my back. "Sorry I arrived late, I got caught up in work" I sigh, he chuckles "It's okay."

"My gift is right here" I give him a box, "Thanks," he smiles opening it. "Thanks, thanks, thanks," he spams making me chuckle "Thank you so much" he hugs me tightly, I hug him back. "You're welcome" I chuckle, "Thank you so much again" he lastly says.

"Well, I think I got it in the right color. It's outside your house" I wink at him, his smile widens. He went out the house, I walk behind him. My gift was his dream car, in the correct color I believe.

We talk more about the car, before going back in the party.

I just drank my drink while talking to my brother's friends and some of our family.

I got a call, I answered it, not looking at the name.



"Oh hey babe, what's up?"

"Did you tell them that you were gonna go on an event and not attend the meeting?"

"Sh*t, I forgot"

"I'll attend the meeting on your behalf."

"Leia! Dance with me! Come onn!" A friend of my brother says,

"Uh okay. Thank you, love you, got to go."


She ends the call, well, sh*t. Gosh, Leia, stop swearing. I went up to my brother's friend, I awkwardly smiled. "Hey," I greet "let's dancee!" She pulls me to the dance floor, I repectfully pull my arm away from her. "I don't dance." I state, she was already dancing.

I look around the venue, looking for Evelyn. That backstabbing beach left me. Ugh. "Oh come on, even for me?" She tilts her head,

A few nights later..?

Trisha's POV

My phone rings, "Yes?" I ask with my eyes still closed.

"Your girlfriend is kinda drunk"


"We were invited to a bar by our friends"

"And then?"

"She wanted to go home since a lot of people were flirting with her and she was getting annoyed, she excused herself and we went to my house. We got drinks and she was rambling on about making a mistake. You're mad at her?"


"Alright, just wanted to tell you. She'll be at my house."

"Okay, thank you"

"Sure, no problem, bye."

She ends the call, what did Leia do now?

The next morning...September 2.

Their parents business trip was extended until September 5.

Leia's POV

I woke up with a headache, "Fvckk" I groan. "Hm, good morning" I hear Evelyn say, sitting on a chair. I smiled bitterly "Good morning" I mock "Wow. Don't have to get snappy" she gets up, giving me water and medicine.

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