Chapter 4: Break (New!)

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Written on 11.1.2022

An added chapter to make the story better.

Leia's POV

I woke up and got ready for the day, it's a break from filming so we could do anything. Trisha was sleeping on the bed, I ordered room service. "Please just knock, don't ring the bell if possible" I add "Sure, it will be coming up in 20-30 minutes" they say, I thank them before ending the call. I sat down on the chair, opening my laptop.

After doing some work, I heard a knock on our door. I got up and answered the door, I got the food "Thank you" I give him a tip. I put my food on the table, I eat my breakfast.

I did some work after I ate and fixed the plates.

When I was typing, I saw movement on the bed making me look at Trisha. She sat up yawning, she stretched her arms. I looked back to my monitor, "Morning sleepyhead, got a good night sleep?" I ask her "Yeah, I guess, wait" she got up going to the bathroom. She got out fixing her hair "I got you breakfast" I motion to the dish with a cover, "Oh thank you" she opens the dish and smiles. "Why'd you get this dish?" She asks "Why? Don't you like it?" I face her "I do, just why?" She asks "Oh, I always see you eating adobo, I thought it was your favorite" I explain "Well, yeah, you're correct, thanks" she gets utensils "Uh no problem" I say still focused on my monitor, she eats her breakfast as I do work.

"What will you do today?" I hear making me look to Trisha's direction "Uh probably just stay in for work" I reply "That's so boring" she rolls her eyes "Okay? And what is your plan that is not so boring?" I put my hands together "I'll probably just explore with friends" she says "Wow! You have friends?!" I exclaim "Ha ha, funny" she states, she gets up going to the bathroom.

She gets out all dressed up "So these are friends you had before you went here?" I ask "Why? But yeah" she replies fixing her shirt in front of the mirror "Do you want me to drive you where you're meeting?" I ask "Uh yeah sure, that would help me out a lot" she softly smiles, "When do you need to go?" I face her fixing her hair. "In like 10 minutes" she says "Okay, I'll change first" I got up going to the bathroom, I wore a sweater and some pants.

"Let's go?" I ask as I see her prepared, she nods and I went out the room. We went to my car, she got in the passenger's seat. I drive to her destination, the ride was silent.

We arrive "Thanks" she says awkwardly "Call me if you need a ride or something," I face her "Okay, thanks again" she says before closing the door, I drove off going back to the hotel.

Trisha's POV

I went in the cafe, my friends were waiting for me. "Hey Trisha!" They greet "How'd you get here?" Sophie asks "Someone dropped me off" I sat down "It's really nice how you guys have filming in Boracay, we could finally meet" Ava smiles "Yeahh" I smile "So how are you?" Chloe asks "Oh good good, just doing work and filming" I cross my legs, "Tiring?" She asks "Yeah a little, but it's okay" I smile.

I drink my tea. "So, you guys have a boyfriend?" Ava asks. "Oh, nope" Sophie responds "Yepp, nope, single" Chloe says, they all face me. I was drinking peacefully, what do they want? "How about you?" Ava asks "I'm single," I softly smiled "Are you sure????" Chloe asks suspiciously "Mhm" I hum "Not even flirting or anything like that?" Sophie looks at me "Nope, not interested right now" I say "Alrighty then" they continue talking about their crushes, crushes...

Leia's POV

It was already dark out. I was writing some things for work when my phone rang, I pick it up


"Its me Trisha, can you pick me up? Same location"

"Okay, be there in 10"

I end the call, I got up going to my car. I drove to the place where I dropped Trisha off, I got out and saw her sitting with her friends I presume. I leaned on the railing of the cafe they were in, I cleared my throat and they all looked at me. "Let's go??" I look to Trisha, she smiles and nods. I hear whispers around the table. She gets up and goes to me "Really had to make an entrance?" She asks "Well yeah," I shrug my shoulders, we both got in my car. Her phone explodes with notifications, I start driving. "I think they have a crush on you", "For some reason" she mumbled. "Offending, a lot of people have a crush on me" I scoff "Okay, sure" she says making me glance at her, "Mhmm" I hum.

We arrived at our hotel room, I place my keys on the table. I sit down on the chair doing work.

"Are you really that boring Leia?" I hear "Hmm?" I hum "Do you really just do work and nothing else?" She asks "Depends" I respond "Come onnnn" she whines "What" I face her "Let's watch a horror movie" she suggests "And why?" She rolls her eyes at me "Are you scared??" She says "Omg Leia Kesse scared of horror movies" I look at her dead in the eye, "Am not.", "Then watch with me, come on" she complains "Fine," I sigh, closing my laptop. I got up to turn the lights off. "Come here," she opens the comforter next to her, I tilt my head. "I'm being so kind right now and you're not helping" she crosses her arms, "Fine" I sit on the bed not too close from her. I get settled in the bed.

She plays a horror movie. I wasn't really paying attention until I heard Trisha scream, I faced her and she was covering her eyes while she was tucked in the bed. I was biting my lip to stop myself from laughing, I chuckled quietly. She was covering herself with the blanket, I scare her. She screams. "I hate you so much" she mumbles "I hate you too" I smiled, she hits me with a pillow before snuggling in the blanket. "Trisha who's under the bed?" I ask, "Stop!" She exclaims making me chuckle. "Aren't you the one who invited me to watch scary movies?" I mention "Shutup" she mutters, I laugh properly sitting up.

"Come onn, don't worry they're just fictional" I come closer to her, who is literally a blanket burrito. "Yeah, you're really helping" she mumbles "Come on, you're the one who invited to watch horror movies" I try to take the blanket off, she really had a grip on it. "We can finish the movie then we can watch a rom-com" I chuckle "Yesss" she immediately sits up "Wow okay then" I say, a jumpscare pops up. Both of us scream.

I laugh right after, she laughs with me. "Never knew that you would scream Leia" she looks at me "It's your fault" I pout "Never knew you could also pout" she points out "You don't know alot of things about me" I shrug "We never really talked" she said facing back to the Tv, that really does make me think.

I get distracted, I heard Trisha scream again making me focus on the movie. "If we get a complaint, I'm blaming you" I state, she looks at me and frowns. I lean on the headboard, "It's almost done" I say to her.

The movie was done, she instantly changes the movie into a rom-com. She sits up leaning on the headboard, we were a little closer than before.

She plays the movie, we watch the movie in silence. "You know, this is one of my favorite movies" Trisha says "Oh really? Did I ask?" I face her smirking, she looks at me with an unamused look. "Share ko lang" she rolls her eyes, I chuckle. "I swear I'll push you off the bed" I hear her say under her breath, I gasp. "Okay, please do" I smile innocently "Don't say I didn't warn you when I do" she subtly smiles, she faces the tv again.

My phone rings, a video call. I got up to take the call on the balcony, I leaned on the railing. I take the call,

After a few minutes, the call was done.

I got back in the room, sitting on the bed while typing a message.

"Your girlfriend? Boyfriend?" She asks "I never thought someone could like you" I face her "No, no girlfriend, no boyfriend. I don't like people, in general" I say putting my hand up, "Hm, it sure isn't obvious" she smiles fakely.

A/N This chapter is newly made so that the story has a better progression.

Chapters marked with (New!) Are the chapters that are newly made for the sake of a better story.

This chapter is short, it is just for the progression ehe :>

Hope you guys will like the story.

Send suggestions and/or feedback.

(Word Count: 1568)


Written on 11.1.2022

An added chapter to make the story better.

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