Chapter 9: Eachother ●

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Rewritten on 11.5.2022

Trisha's POV

I woke up with my head throbbing, did I get drunk last night? I got up and rubbed my head, I saw Leia sitting on the chair using her phone. What happend last night? I try to remember what happend last night, I remember that I heard Leia say 'I love you' to someone. Her girlfriend?? I really can't remember anything.

Leia looks up from her phone and looks at me, "What happend last night?" I ask her. "Umm, you were talking to this girl so I went to the rooftop and called someone. And you thought I had a girlfriend and you were pouting very cutely, we kissed and I carried you to the car." She explains very quickly, it was all coming back to me now but not the details. Shoot, don't we have filming? "Don't we have to film?" I ask her "Uhh no, it got canceled. We have a break today" she replies "Oh yea, if your head hurts, I put medicine on the side table." She says "Oh and it's 12PM" she says before going to the balcony. I took the medicine with the water and went to the bathroom to take a bath.

While I was having a bath my memories are coming back to me. Ok, I remember us teasing eachother about falling for eachother when she said "Fall for me? I'll catch you, but only you." Which is honestly giving me butterflies in my stomach. "I already fell for you, will you catch me?" Sh*t did I just confess to her? What was her response? I rub my temple to force myself to remember. "Always" was she just playing along? Does she mean it? Overthinking my God.

After the bath I changed to a hoodie and some shorts, I wanted to stay in for today. I put on my hood and laid down on the bed getting comfy with the blanket, I turned the TV on and watched Big Bang Theory.

Leia's POV

I was sitting on the chair at the balcony, I was just texting E about some things. I looked back to check on Trisha and she was just laying in bed with her hood on, in my opinion she looks super cute. I went back to the room and sat on the bed, "So is your head okay now?" I ask her "Yeppp, thank you" she says "Always welcome" I say.

"What did I do yesterday? Did I embarrass myself?" She asks concerned "Hmm not really" I reply "You were just talking to strangers and all, and then I went to the rooftop to call someone. And when I was gonna go back, you were there asking if I had a girlfriend. Which I don't by the way. And then yeah and then you kissed me and you were drunk so I carried you on my back and brought you to my car." I explained with more details "Did I say something stupid to you or something?" She asks "I mean you said that you already fell for me and all but nothing stupid" I shrugged my shoulders "And what was your response?" She asks curiously. I just shrugged my shoulders and fixed my hair, she goes in front of me.

"You know, I wasn't joking last night Trisha." I say, she puts her hands on my shoulders. "Which?" She asks tilting her head, cute. "That I would always catch you, always and forever Trisha Leroy." I whisper to her ear "Already fallen for me Leia Kesse?" She teases me. I already fell for you, you honestly don't have to ask. I took a deep breath "What if I told you I actually did?" I ask "It depends, are you joking or not?" She asks, I went to her ear. "Guess" I say softly teasing her "Leia Kesse, that is so very tempting" she states pouting, I bit my lip and looked at her eyes. "Fvck" I heard her say under her breath. After a few seconds she pulled me to her lips wrapping her arms around my neck, I kiss back and deepened the kiss. I put her down on the bed still kissing her.

When we pulled away, I looked into her eyes. "I fell for you okay, I fell for your smile. I fell for your glorious laugh. I fell for your ability to make me jealous just by talking to someone else. I fell for your cute pout. I fell for your beautiful eyes. I fell for you in every possible away." I say, she was just looking at me speechless. "I'm sorry okay! I really couldn't handle not falling for you" I sigh "Are you serious?" She asks letting out her smile "Yes Trisha,", "Let me court you, I'll prove that I deserve you" I stated.

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