Chapter 18: Missed you ●

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Rewritten on 11.16.2022

Leia's POV

The whole week, I did business and spent some time with my friends. Liv and I were seen by paparazzi saying that we were dating but we'll just deny it. I call with Trisha at night, checking up on her.

I have an office here in California for work.

My eyes open due to bright light, I groan as I rub my eyes. "Wakey wakey" I hear a familiar voice, I face my curtains and saw Liv. "What" I say with my sleepy voice "Let's go to the beach for your last day" she smiles "Okay but why would you wake me up so early" I stretch my arms "It's 12pm" she says "What" I face her "What time did you sleep" she chuckles "Uhh, I don't know. Just late" I say getting up "What were you doing?" She asks "Uh talking to Trisha" I fix "Your girlfriend??" She teases "Yes, my girlfriend" I go to the bathroom and freshened myself up.

"Wait so were going to the beach on 12pm?" I ask going out of the bathroom "No, probably when the sun sets" she says "Then why wake me up" I ask fixing my shirt "You can't just sleep in on your last day" she says "Fine, what will we do?" I ask "Just spend time together" she says "Kay, what now" I sit on my bed "Movies????" She asks as she lays down on my bed "Okay, you pick" I say as I turn the lights off and settled in my bed, I give her the remote. She plays 'Princess Diaries' making me smile, she knows my favorites. We watched the first movie and after that we watch the part two.

After both the movies, it was 5pm. "Who's coming??" I ask "Just us for your last day" she replies "Okay, I'll change" I say going to the bathroom. I come out fixing my jacket "Will you swim??" She asks "Depends on my mood" I reply "Okayy, let's go?" I ask opening the door, she nods and we got in my car. I started the engine and began driving to the beach.

When we arrived, I got out of the car. We went to the beach and put a blanket on the sand, we both sit down. "Isn't your birthday near?" She asks "Uhh yeah" I reply "What will you do??" She asks "Just spend time with friends or family or Trisha" I shrug my shoulders "I'm sorry I can't go to the philippines, we'll call you on your birthday" she says making me smile "Yea it's okay" I say "Will you swim?" She asks "Hmm depends, will you?" I ask "I don't want to" she says making me smirk "Oh no what?" She asks chuckling "You don't wanna get wet??" I ask chuckling having an idea "Ummm yes??" She says unsure, I smiled innocently and stood up.

I carried her to the ocean and dropped her in the water "LEIA KESSE" Olivia practically screams making me run away going to the shore, people were staring at us. "Yes Olivia Rodrigo?" I tease when she came to the shore drenched in water "You're the worst" she chuckles "I know Liv" I smile at her, she approaches me and hits my shoulder. "Why did you have to get me wet" she pouts "Because why not" I shrug my shoulders, she smirks and pushes me into the water.

I got up from the water drenched, I faced Liv and she smiled innocently. I chased after her since she was running away from me, when I catched up to her I grabbed her wrist. "Aha! No escape" I say "Well you did it first" she states "Fine, fair enough" I say smiling sourly, we went back to our spot and spent time there.

People were literally staring at us, but okay. We were just talking while waiting for the sunset. When the sunset arrived, I told Liv that I would take a picture of her. We stood up and she was facing me with the sunset behind her, I checked the lighting and angle and took the best pictures. I smiled at the pictures and showed Liv "The best as always" she smiles "I know, you don't have to say it" I joke "Can I post it in instagram and credit you?" She asks "Yeah, go ahead" I say while using my phone to take a picture of the sunset.

*Olivia's photo*

*Picture of Leia not facing the camera*

oliviarodrigo i love you so so so much. greatest pictures as always. missed you and still will @leiakesse!!!

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