LK & OR 2 | (Apologies from the author)

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A/N Yeah uhm I'm gonna make the chapters of Lily and Olivia not part of the story, like separate chaps. Yeah. I just love the relationship between Liv and Lily.

Wrote this before the other chaps. I'll publish this for a happy chap ig.


I wrote this 2 months ago, I'm having a super bad writer's block. So I'll just publish this for now, apologies. I'll try to publish next week,

Again, this is a happy chap before anything else Ehehehaha

September 1...

Lily's POV

It's early in the morning, I know Liv isn't busy today. Hopefully. I know she has been tired.

I looked beside me, Liv was peacefully sleeping. Looking cute and beautiful.

I got up and stretched my arms, yawning. I got up, going to my closet. I checked something.

I went out of our room, making some coffee. I sat down, crossing my legs. Drinking while looking out the window.

"Ly?" I hear from the stairs, I looked up and saw a very tired and very beautiful Liv. I put my cup on the table, standing up.

"Hey love, why are you awake?" I softly ask, "Why are you not in bed" she pouts going in my arms. "I woke up," I chuckled hugging her back "I hate you" she mumbles "I love you too" I say back.

She was not letting go so I sat down with her on my lap, "Really miss me love?" I place my head on her shoulder. "Yeah, uhm you leave super early in the morning and you arrive super late which is technically like also in the morning" She sighs "Sorry, I'm really gonna stop working too much" I kiss her shoulder, apologizing.

"It's fine, I understand that you have to work" she softly says "Happy 9 months" I whisper into her ears "Happy 9 months love" She softly says, kissing my cheek. "So what do you wanna do today Ollie?" She smiles, I mess her hair up.

"Anything, I'm just glad you're available" she plays her fingers on my shoulder, I kiss her hand. "I'm really sorry for being so busy." "From now on, I will always be available for you" I smiled, tapping my index finger on her nose.

"I love you", "I love you too" I pull her closer "So babe, what do you feel about having a date later?" I ask "That sounds good" she smiles "Later right? Cuddles?" She cutely suggests, "Of course" I kiss her softly.

I carry her, going up the stairs. I placed her down on the bed, cuddling into her neck.


"I've missed you" she softly says "I've missed you too", "so much" I hug her tighter. "When do you wanna go back to the U.S?" I ask looking up, "Uhm, maybe like September 5?" She tucks my hair behind my ear.

"Yeah, sure." I kiss her cheek, a phone rings. The fvck? I got up, "Is that yours or mine?" I ask. She shrugs her shoulders.

I looked at the bedside table, "Can I not answer it?" I ask laying back down. I snuggle into her neck, wrapping my arms around her.

"I love you but the ringing is annoying baby~" she whines, I reject the call.

It rings again. I groan, throwing my phone across the room. "Love I think you took jealousy, jealousy too seriously" Liv jokes, laughing lightly. I chuckled.

I mumbled something, hugging my girlfriend closely. "I love youu" she cooes "I love you more" I kiss her neck, "Do you wanna stay in or do you wanna try going out?" I asked.

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