Chapter 26: Bonding Part 2 ●

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Rewritten on 11.25.2022

Leia's POV

Driving to our spot, Trisha was literally hugging me so tight. "Love" I chuckle "Stop going so fast" she mumbled against my neck, I drove faster.

When we arrived, I was laughing. I got off and carried Trisha with me, she wraps her legs around my waist. I take her helmet off placing it on the ATV, "I hate you so much" she snuggles into my neck. "And I love you so much" I say going to my sister's table, I saw Lily kissing Liv's hand looking at her lovingly. Gay people🙄

"Hey gay peeps!" I greet them, Trisha still in my arms. I sat down with Trisha on my lap "Hey guys" Lily says "What'd you guys do?" I ask placing my head on Trisha's shoulder "Nothing just spent some time together" Liv says smiling "OoOoO do you guys want ice cream?" Lily asks excitedly, I looked to Liv. "Love we just ate some" Liv says giggling "But I want more!" Lily pouts crossing her arms "Alright" Liv says looking to me, "Do you want ice cream Trisha?" Liv asks "Sure" Trisha responds. "Leia?" Liv asks, "Nope" I state. I called a waiter and Liv ordered, I snuggled into Trisha's neck.

When the ice cream arrived, my sister was really excited. "So why dont you like ice cream again?" Liv asks me "I don't know, I just don't like always eating it. I would like it for like an event or something" I say while Trisha's literally feeding me a spoon of ice cream, I accept it.

"I thought you said you didn't like ice cream?" Trisha asks "But it's from you" I say pulling her closer "Gay" Lily states literally devouring her bowl of ice cream making Liv chuckle, "Slow down Babe" Liv says. "Oh but that's not what you say in another places" Lily says making me choke, I snicker hiding my face on Trisha's shoulder.

"Ow!" Lily exclaims due to her girlfriend kicking her leg "What? I'm not lying" she chuckles, winking at Liv. "Gay btches" I mumble under my breath, I hear Trisha giggle. "Love," she turns her head "what did you say?" She asks still giggling "Nothing, I love youu" I say "I love you too" she says kissing my cheek.

I was honestly just snuggled into Trisha's neck while they were all talking. "Leia" I hear my sister say making me look up "Hmm?" I hum "Let's take a picture for our parents" she said, I nodded okay. Lily got her phone and took a picture, I just smiled slightly. "What do you guys wanna do?" Lily asks putting her phone back in her pocket "Can we go back to the house first?" I ask "Okay..." Lily narrows her eyes at me, I glared at her and stood up with Trisha.

We got on my ATV and I put a helmet on Trisha, "Let's go?" I ask turning the engine on. "Mhmm" she mumbles against my neck, hugging my waist.

When we arrived, I got off carrying Trisha bridal-style. I took off her helmet and placed the helmet on the ATV, I went in our house. Going up the stairs to my bedroom, "Babe why are you hurrying" Trisha chuckles. I placed my keys on the table before placing Trisha on the bed "Love" she places her hands on my shoulders "Really want me that much?" She says making me chuckle "Yes" I say before kissing her lips deeply, I kiss her neck roughly leaving marks. My hand going to her collar, unbuttoning the buttons of her shirt.

Trisha's POV

After that, I was really tired. I was cuddled up to my girlfriend's neck who was playing with my hair "I hate you so much" I mumbled "You know you love me" she says "Yes, I really do" I kiss her neck "You literally came back to the house for that?" I ask "Why? It wasn't worth it?" She looks down "It's just that.." I went to her ear "We could've done it in the bathroom~" I whisper to her ears, I hear her choke on air.

I chuckle "My my Trisha, what is this behavior?" She says placing her finger under my chin "What can I say Love, You rubbed off on me" I say kissing her cheek, getting up to go to the bathroom. "You're a tease!" I hear Lee say making me chuckle, I wore something that was fit for the island.

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