Chapter 10: Courtship ●

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Rewritten on 11.5.2022

Trisha - Trish
Leia - Lee

May 2, 2022

Trisha's POV

I woke up to Leia fixing her hair, what time is it? Are we late? Leia turned to me "Good morning beautiful" she says "morning, what time is it?" I ask "8:30, you have to get ready." She replies, I got up and took a bath. I put on a jacket and a cap, I checked my watch and it was 8:45 AM. We have to be at the lounge by 9 AM.

"Let's go?" She asks me "Yep, let's go" I say while opening the door and going to the elevator, we arrived at the lounge and the director was talking to the set. We went to Bella and Zach, "Hi" I say. "Hey guys, what did you do yesterday?" Zach asks "Nothing really" I reply "What about you guys?" Leia asks Zach and Bella "Nothing, just chilling in bed." Bella says, "Okay! Let's start, we're gonna do a lot of scenes for Bella and Zach today. Trisha and Leia only have a few scenes, so you will have a relaxing day." The director says.

4 PM

After filming a scene of Leia and I, someone delivered something to us. Causing all of us to gather around, "For Trisha Leroy!" The delivery boy said holding a bouquet of flowers.


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To: Trisha Leroy

Beautiful flowers, but not as beautiful as you ;)

Love, You know who

I read the note and smiled, Leia sent this. "Luh kanino galing yan?" (Luh who's that from?) Bella asks "Someone" I say as I took the bouquet, I looked at Leia and she winked at me. I put the flowers on my seat and went back to the set, "Have a girlfriend or boyfriend?" Zach asks "No" I reply while fixing my watch "Okay! All the upcoming scenes are for Zach and Bella. Leia and Trisha can leave now!" The director announces, I went to the director and thanked her and said my goodbye.

I looked for Leia and she was sitting down with her legs crossed and her eyes closed, I went up to her and tapped her on her shoulder "What" she says with a cold tone. "Okay" I say while turning back to go away, I felt a hand on my wrist "Sorry, I was thinking" she pulls me to sit beside her.

"Like the flowers?" She asks "Yepp thank you thank you" I say, "What will you do today?" She asks "Why? Wanna take me somewhere?" I ask "If you want" she says. I look at her and found her already looking at me, I smile. "Sure, take me somewhere" I say, she stands up "Okay, let's go" she puts her hand out and I take it. She opened and closed the door to her car for me, she then went to the drivers seat. She started driving, I was just staring at her the whole time. "What do you wanna do?" She asks "Just chill" I reply "My house??" She asks "Yea" I say.

After a few minutes, we stopped. I got out of the car and Leia was going to me, she pouts. I tilt my head in confusion "I was supposed to open the door for you." She says pouting very cutely, "Sorry sorry, you can open it later" I say smiling. She smiles and takes my hand, she takes me to her bedroom. "Movies?" She asked "Sure" I reply, she gets in the bed and as do I.

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