Chapter 23: Unexpected ●

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Rewritten on 11.21.2022

June 19, 2022

Trisha's POV

I was in my apartment waiting for Leia since she said that she was going to pick me up. Someone knocks on my door, I looked through the peephole and saw my girlfriend making me smile. I opened the door "Hey love" she says kissing my cheek "Hey Lee" I greet "These are for you" she says handing me a bouquet of tulips making my smile widen, "Well thank you Bub" I give her a peck on her lips. I went into my apartment and got a vase, I put water and the flowers in.

"Really love it?" She asks "Mhmm" I hum in agreement, I fixed the vase on the island and faced Leia. She was smiling "What's got you smiling babe?" I ask putting my hands on her shoulder "You, of course" she states kissing my hands, she gives me a soft kiss on my lips. "Where are we going?" I ask "Well, whatever you want" she says wrapping her arms around my waist "Can we watch movies" I say with puppy eyes "Sure, let's go?" She asked holding my hand, I nodded.

She takes me to her car and she opens and closes the door for me. "Thank you" I say as she gets in the drivers seat "You're always welcome" she places her hand on my thigh, she starts to drive.

We arrived at a mall, she opens and closes the door for me. "You know, you don't always have to do that" I say "I know, but I choose to always do it" she says making me smile "I love youuu" I say, she holds my hand "I love you too" she says before going in the mall. "What do you wanna do first?" She asks "Any, as long as it's with you" I smile "Let's watch a random movie" I excitedly suggest, she smiled softly. "Sure love" she says, I smile wrapping my arm around hers, we start to go to the cinemas.

She picked a random movie without looking at the genre, she buys the tickets. "Will you ever let me treat you?" I ask "No, not really" she takes us to buy snacks, she asks me what I want and she buys the snacks.

We went to the cinema earlier than the time, we sat down. She was facing me, "What do you wanna do later?" She asks placing her hand on my thigh. "Any, you pick" I say "Alright, I know where to go" she says, I put my head on her shoulder. "You always know where to go Lee" I say "Of course," she says, kissing my hand.

After a few minutes of comfortable silence, a phone rings. I look to Leia and saw her picking her phone up "Oh hey Liv" she says.

(Bold is what Trisha can't hear)

"Hey Lei!"

"Why'd you call?"

"Nothing, just asking how you are"

"Well, I'm good. How about you?"

"Good, just tired from the concerts"

"You should rest after Liv, don't stay up too late if you know what I mean"

"Leia! We don't- No, no"

"Mhm..Sure Livvey"

"I hate you"

"Don't worry, I love you too"

"Okay...Well, how about you, not too busy with work?"

"Well, not really."

"Well, I have to go, I just wanted to check up on you."

"Okay Livvy, love and miss you"

"Love you and miss you Lei"

She puts her phone back in her pocket before facing me, she quickly kisses my lips. She stands up going in front of me. She leans forward placing her hands on the arm rests, staying a few inches from my face. "I love you" she whispers to my ears "I love you too" I reply. She kisses my lips deeply, staying in front of me even after pulling away. "Wanna go ice skating later??" she asks tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear, I smiled "Yeah, of course" I kissed her cheek.

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