Chapter 27: Bonding Part 3 ●

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Rewritten on 11.26.2022

Leia's POV

(For that SOMEONE, Leia got up by pushing Trisha. I swear. Because that's how good a girlfriend she is.)

I woke up with my girlfriend in my arms, I smiled and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. I kissed her forehead and got up, I went out of our bedroom yawning. I fixed my hair and decided to go to the music room, I sat down for the piano.

I play the intro to 'Can't help falling in love', I sing along. I hear a familiar voice, singing along with me.

I finished the song, I looked behind me. I saw my sister "Hey L," I smiled "That song gave me back memories" she leans on the wall crossing her arms "Yeah," I chuckle, the memories coming back to me.

Me practicing on the piano , Lily always watching me. Hearing her sing, when it's just the two of us. When we were bored, we practiced different instruments. We learnt a lot of things together.

"Why don't you sing?" I ask her "Well, I don't know, I just sing when I'm alone or with you." She sits down beside me "I did miss your voice tho" I say "Thank you L," she chuckles "Remember when you fell singing," she comments laughing "Hey! I thought we agreed on never talking about that" I laugh, hitting her on her shoulder. "I swear, I'll always remember that traumatic experience" I joke dramatically "You literally laughed so hard after" she adds snickering "Well...yeah but still" I hang my head down chuckling

"I missed you my dear sister" she says "I missed you too" I smile, "So have you been busy?" I ask her. "Yeah, but it's okay" she says "Do you visit Louis?" I ask "Sometimes, when I'm not busy" she replies "Well, do you treat Liv right?" I ask "Of course," she responds making me smile "Good," I place my hand on her shoulder

"You're literally younger than me and you act older" she tilts her head "What can I say?" I shrug my shoulders "How about you and Trisha?" She asks "Great, she's the best." I smile "Good, so you don't need medicine anymore?" She asks "Mhmm, I'm okay" I reply "It's great that you found someone L," she says making me smile "I know, I'm so lucky to have her." I state

"You too L, you finally got her" I say chuckling "I'm grateful I did, I can't imagine my life without her." She says clearly thinking about Liv "Yeah," I chuckle "We're both lucky" I say, we looked at eachother and smiled before chuckling. "So, wanna make breakfast?" She asks, I nodded yes and stood up. She stood up and we went out of the music room, we saw our girlfriends right outside.

"Good morning" I smiled softly at them "Good morning, did we wake you?" Lily asks them "Nope" they both say at the same time "Alright, then we'll cook breakfast then eat together?" I ask as Lily looks at me "Yeah" "Sure" they both say, I went downstairs with Lily going to the kitchen. I laughed when we were at the kitchen, Lily looks at me confused. "I'm sorry, I don't know why I'm laughing" I continue laughing "Stop that or I'll start laughing too" she bites her lip down, we laugh together for some reason.

When we were done, we calmed down and cooked breakfast together.

Lily cooked the last things and I prepared the table, serving the food. When I went back to the kitchen, I leaned on the kitchen island. My phone rings,


"Hey Lei!"

"Hey E, why'd you call?"

"Nothing, just saw that article. Dating Liv?" She chuckles

"I swear I'll kill you"

"I'll wait hehe"

"We're at our island, I told my manager to deal with it."

"What if they actually think you're dating Liv" I can hear her snickering

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