Chapter 30: Studio

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July 13, 2022

Leia's POV

I'm in my studio, trying to think of lyrics. A pencil spinning in my hand, staring at the wall. My phone rings,


"Hey Lee,"

"Hey love, what's up?"

"Mom told me that they'll leave on July 31, so we'll take over for the whole August"

"Oh okay"

The door opens making me look up, I see Olivia. "Hey Alli" she says making me tilt my head "You're late" I say "It's your sister's fault" she puts her hands up "Hm, okay, wait" I put my phone back on my ear

"Sorry, so we'll take care of all business in August"


"Alright then, I have to go, love you"

"Love you too, bye"

She ends the call, I look to Liv who is sitting on the couch. "In love" she states, I roll my eyes at her and went to sit down beside her. "You know, we just need a few more lines and we'll be done" I say "Are you sure?" She asks "Mhmm, pretty sure" I respond, lyric ideas flood my mind. "Okay I got it," I write down the lyrics, almost finishing the song. "Okay, take a look at it" I give her the notebook "You know, its cool how you learned tagalog just for the song" I smiled at her "Of course, I mean, you are like my mentor. It is an honor to have a collab with you." She says looking up with a smile on her face "Thank you Liv, you're my idol" I wink at her "Even if I didn't know you, I would honestly love your songs" I shrug my shoulders "Wow that is such an honor Leia Kesse" she places her hand on her heart making me chuckle "Wow you're so inlove Alli" she says reading the lyrics "Well, you too Livvey" I mess her hair up, "Ooo I got it" she writes on the notebook before fixing her hair. "Really?" I ask "Yup, finished it" she states "Take a look" she gives me the notebook "Wow, alright then. It looks great" I smile at her "We just have to get all the instruments together and record and then we'll be ready to release it" she smiles "When do you wanna release it?" She asks "Your choice, just not this month" I say "We can release it after the concert, like we'll tease them by playing a little of the song." She says "Or, we can go live right now and tease them" she suggests "Yeah let's go" I say, we sit down on the floor as I have my guitar. She brings her phone out placing it in front of us, "Will we play the whole song?" I ask "Eh no, we'll play like half of it" she says opening her Instagram.

She starts the live "Hey guys! It's Olivia, I'm with Leia right now." I wave hi, I see the comments filled with questions of us dating. "Will we deny it?" I whisper to her ears "Yeah, like right now" she whispers back, I went back to my place. "So uh about us dating," she pauses "We're not dating" she states looking at me "Yeah, we are not dating. We are just bestfriends." I say smiling softly 'What about that picture? Was it photoshopped?' A comment asks, I look to Liv for her answer. She ignores the question, a lot of comments talk about the picture. I then see a different one, 'If it's not Liv, who's Leia's gf?' A comment asks. She looks at me, signalling for me to talk. "Well, I will just say, I am taken. Just not by Liv" I state "And I am taken, just not by Leia" Liv states, she looks to me when the viewers were higher. I nodded and she looked back to the phone "Well the main reason we actually went live was because we have this song, we need your opinion on it" she explains, the comments go crazy. "I actually learned tagalog just for this" she mentions, she signals me to start.

I start playing the guitar, I was looking at her as she was singing the first verse. The chorus comes up, I sing along. I ended the song after the chorus, I smiled at Liv before looking back to the phone. "So yeah, it's like Leia's style of a song" Liv says "So, do you guys like it?" Liv asks cautiously

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