Chapter 5: Enemies?? Really? (New!)

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Written on 11.3.2022

An added chapter to make the story better.

Leia's POV

Back to filming, we had to go to the beach for the episode. I had my head leaned on the window of the car, listening to my favorite songs on my earphones. We arrived after 30 minutes, we got out and we had a beach house for the series.

I got a room to myself, yay. "Guys!", "Filming!" I heard the director say. I went down and the set was there, "You'll be busy" she says. We did some scenes in the beach house,

"Hey Trisha," I went up to her "Do you wanna swim?" I ask "Nope" I smirk at her answer, I picked her up going in the water. "Leia! I hate you so much" she pouts, I let her go gently so we were standing next to eachother. "I hate you too, don't worry" I place my hand on her cheek, cupping her face. I kiss her gently,

"Cut!" The director says, I pull away.

She pushes me in the water, I got up fixing my hair. "I'm offended" I say pretending to be hurt, "Be offended" she flips her hair walking away chuckling. I walk to the shore, getting a towel. I wipe my face and neck, unbuttoning my shirt. I leaned on the wall while cleaning myself up, I could feel eyes on me. I looked up after I dried myself, everyone was staring. "Uhm, hi?" I comb through my hair using my hand, "You can go now, that's your last scene" she says making me smile. I went up the house, going in my room. I went in the bathroom, taking a bath.

I wear some shorts and a shirt, I went down to the set to see them filming. It was Trisha's scene, I watched while leaning on a post with my arms crossed. Trisha was talking with Bella for the scene, walking around the shore.

I went back upstairs, going to the balcony. I sit down, hearing the tides clash on the shore. It's very peaceful. Being in a beach house, on a quiet night. I closed my eyes,

I hear the door slide making me look back, it was Trisha. She sat down on the chair beside me, "Filming's done?" I ask. "For me, yeah" she replies, it was silent for a few seconds.

"Why are you here?" She asks, I face her. "I like sitting down, doing nothing, feeling the cool breeze of the night, hearing the waves crash into the shore." I say as I felt the air brushing through my hair, she also faced me. We looked at eachother, in silence. "How about you, why are you here?" I ask looking down on my hand, "Well, I saw you and was curious" she softly says. "Yeah so you have a crush on me" I tease "Do not." She states which made me snicker, "Alrighty then" I play with the ring on my finger.

"An important ring?" I heard making me look at her, she was softly smiling. "Uh yes, since I was a child, I had this ring" I explain "Why's it so important?", "If you don't mind" she adds "My mom got it for me when I was young, I never really took it off since then" I fix my posture "You really are a perfect girl huh?" She tilts her head "Hm," I hum not knowing what to say.


I was in my bed settled in, watching sitcoms. I get a call,

Someone knocked on my door as I was talking, I got up to open the door. It was our director. "Wait, sorry" I mouth, I end the call saying goodbye. "Hey direk," I leaned on the door frame "Just have to tell you, you will get more and more kissing scenes with Trisha" she says "Uh, okay" I fix my hair "Okay, just wanted to let you know since I know you literally hate eachother" she says "Well yeah" I shrug "Well, good night, sleepwell" she says before walking away "You too" I reply, I close the door settling back in the bed.


I was trying to sleep when I heard thunder crash, I sat up. Will Trisha be scared? She has a phobia right? I shouldn't care. I really shouldn't. You really shouldn't Leia. I thought she was your enemy? God, I can't help it. I got out my room, the house was dark with a little light. I found Trisha's room, I knocked not too loudly. No response. I knock again a little more loudly. No response. "Trisha??" I ask, #ghosted. Kidding that's out of script ehem, again.

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