Chapter 3: What ●

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Rewritten on 10.31.2022

Rewritten again on 11.5.2022

Third Person POV

Leia did in fact wake up to both of them cuddling. She looked at Trisha sleeping peacefully, she tucks a strand of Trisha's hair behind her ear. She gets up and goes to the chair.


Trisha's POV

I woke up, seeing Leia sat on the chair. "What time is it?" I ask her "7 AM" she replies, she gets up and goes to the bathroom. I lay back down and closed my eyes.

I woke up to Leia putting a shirt on, exposing her insane set of abs. "Take a picture, it'll last longer" she says smirking. Sh*t have I been staring? Get yourself together Trisha.

Leia's Outfit

I clear my throat "What time do we have to film?" I ask "Uhh 9 AM" she says while fixing her collar "Wanna get breakfast?" She asks me "Uh yea sure, just let me take a bath" I say while getting up

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I clear my throat "What time do we have to film?" I ask "Uhh 9 AM" she says while fixing her collar "Wanna get breakfast?" She asks me "Uh yea sure, just let me take a bath" I say while getting up. I took a bath and changed.

Trisha's Outfit

I fixed my watch and spoke "Ok let's go?" She nods and opens the door, I went out

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I fixed my watch and spoke "Ok let's go?" She nods and opens the door, I went out. "Where will we go?" I ask "I know a place" she says, I follow her to a black mercedes. We got in the car. I fastened my seatbelt, she glanced at me and starts the engine. She begins to drive. After a few minutes, we stopped at a cafe. She opens the door for me, I follow her into the cafe. We sit at a table, "What do you want?" She asks me "Whatever you'll get" I say "Okay" she gets up and goes to the cashier. She comes back with the receipt "Wow your treat?" I ask "Yea why not" she shrugs her shoulders. After about 10 minutes, the food arrived. It was a filipino breakfast,

The food:

The food:

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