Chaper 41: ...

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(Don't scroll too fast)





"What happened?"



"Are you okay?"




A phone vibrated crazily.



*Louder, nearer, increased sirens*


A phone rings.....

An unknown number popped up on my screen, I answered it. "Hello?" I asked

"Is this the girlfriend or wife of Leia Kesse?"

"Uh yes, this is Trisha Leroy, why?"

"Leia Kesse got into a car accident, luckily, someone immediately called 911" "She was taken to the **** hospital, she was badly hurt."

"What?! I'm coming."

I steadied my breathing, trying to calm myself down. Tears threathening to fall down my eyes.

I called for a driver, I put on a hoodie of Leia's. Getting my essentials, going out of my apartment.

I got in the elevator, going to the ground floor. A car was sent for me, I got in, telling the driver my destination.

I sniffled, wiping my tears off my cheeks. I looked for Mr. and Mrs. Kesse's number, I found her mom. I called the number, trying to steady my breathing down.

They picked the call up,

"Trisha? We're busy, what's wrong?"

"Its Leia."
"She got into an accident."
"People have been trying to call you but you guys were busy"

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