Chapter 2: Location ●

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Rewritten on 10.31.2022

Rewritten again on 11.5.2022

Leia's POV

We had to go to an island for the upcoming episodes in the series, we were in the airport for our one hour flight. I was wearing my earphones, because, people. I don't wanna talk to people, unless it's important. I was walking when someone came up to me, I took off one of my earphones. "Yes?" I ask "Hi I'm a huge fan of yours, can I have your autograph?" She asks me "Yea of course" I say while signing the picture. "Thank you" she smiles "and thank you" I smile while waving good bye to her so that I could go to the set. When she couldn't see my face, I dropped my smile. "You're so fake" Trisha comments while chuckling "I know right" I chuckle flatly while putting my earphones back.

When we were on the plane, I was sitting next to Trisha. Trisha being at the window seat. I was just listening to music the whole flight, I saw Trisha fidgeting with her hands. I looked out the window and saw lightning, I didn't mind and continued to listen to my music. She has been fidgeting with her hands for several minutes now. Does she have a phobia? What should I do?? Should I help her? That's so weird for Leia Kesse tho. Should I hold her hand? I sighed and held her hand to stop her from fidgeting and caressed her hand using my thumb, she looks at me with a questioning look. I just glanced at her and continued to listen to my music, she put her head on my shoulder and fell asleep. Hmm.

The plane landed, I let go of Trisha's hand to get our bags. She woke up immediatley when I let go, she looks at me. I get our bags, Trisha got up and went with me. We got out of the plane and met up with the cast and the set, I see Bella and Zach smiling at us. "What?" I ask "We saw that" Bella chuckles "Ok" I say as I put my earphones back. We got out of the airport and there were multiple vans to go to our hotel, I called my assistant for my motorcycle here on this island. "Ok so Bella and Zach, Leia and Trisha-" The director announces who stays in the same room, wow with Trisha again! Totally a coincidence. I tell them that I have my motorcycle and that I wouldn't have to come with the vans, "Well Trisha should come with you, she can't fit with us" Bella says, I glare at her "Yea she should come with you" The director plays along. I look at Bella and spoke "Yea ok, I guess, lets go Trisha" I smile ever so fakely at Bella, I swear I will kill her one day. I get on my motorcycle "Lets go, so I could crash the motorcycle into Bella's van to kill her." I smile "Ok lets go" Trisha gets on my motorcycle, I put a helmet on her and fastened it. I put my helmet on and started the engine, "Bye" I say as I start to drive. I drove faster to scare her "Leia!" Trisha exclaims while wrapping her arms around my waist. We arrived at our hotel after a few minutes, Trisha got off and I turned the engine off and got off. I unfastened her helmet and took it off revealing her face, I stare at her for a few seconds. I then cleared my throat and put the helmet on my motorcycle, I take mine off and fixed my hair. I put the helmets on the motorcycle and called someone to get my motorcycle. Someone gets it and we go in the lounge to wait for the set.

After a few minutes, they arrived. Zach laughs "So how was the ride love birds?" Zach asks "Good, Leia tried to kill me" Trisha states, I just shrugged my shoulders. "Ok so just as I said, you got the arrangement of the rooms already", "So I'll just check in and give u the keys" our director goes to the counter. After a few minutes, she gives us the keycards. Trisha and I go to our room to unpack and prepare for our set. The room has 1 big bed, like wtf. I unpack my things, took a bath and changed my clothes while Trisha fixes her things.

Leia's Outfit

Leia's Outfit

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