Chapter 12: Already? ●

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Rewritten on 11.5.2022

Leia's POV

I sent Trisha flowers, chocolates, and gifts for another week. It is May 14 now, we don't have filming for today's video. I woke up on 3 am for some reason, I went to the balcony and just leaned against the railing. I just realized I brought my guitar, I went in the room and got my black guitar. I went back to the balcony and sat down, I started to play 'Mahika' an original song of mine that I only played on my IG live. Since I know I can't sleep, I sang along to my guitar and just stared at the sky

(A/N Pretend that it's made by Leia)

When I was at the chorus, Trisha sat down beside me. She sings along making me stare at her, how does she know this song? I stare at her while I play the guitar and listen to her angelic voice.

After the song ended, she faced me and smiled sending butterflies to my stomach. "How do you know my song?" I ask, she shrugs her shoulders. "I literally only showed that in a live stream at IG months ago" I narrow my eyes, she gets up and goes to the door trying to escape. When she ran past me, I pulled her to my lap placing my head on her shoulder.

"Secretly stalking me?" I tease "I-I just came across your stream" she says softly, I kiss her shoulder. "You love me do you?" I playfully say "Maybe" she mumbles "What was that??" I tease her "I hate you" she says "You know you love me~" I kiss her neck gently "Wanna see the sunrise?" I ask "Yea sure" she gets up and goes into the room. Trisha and I change our clothes.

Leia's Outfit

Trisha's Outfit

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Trisha's Outfit

I look at Trisha as she puts her jacket on, she faces me "let's go?" She asks

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I look at Trisha as she puts her jacket on, she faces me "let's go?" She asks. "Uhh yea" I got up and went to the door, I opened it for Trisha. She went out and I followed after her "You know, people would see us together" she whispers, I put my cap on her and held her hand. I quickly went to the elevator to go to the lounge, I went to my motorcycle and got on. She got on too and I started to drive, she wraps her arms around my waist since I was driving really fast.

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