Chapter 40: Happy Birthday??

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Merry Christmas and Happy new years everyone! hope you have a great day and incoming new year. Enjoy this chapter..

Sus behavior from Leisha on random days...

*photos from modelling*

trishaleroy 📷📷📷


leiakesse kiss me darling
trishaleroy @leiakesse come over ;)


*photos taken by Evelyn, out on a mountain*

leiakesse 🌤🌄🏔


trishaleroy I can cook, I can clean, What do I need to do?
leiakesse @trishaleroy nothing, you're all I want and need ;)


Trisha's POV

"Your birthday's near right?? Advance happy birthday!" Ava says through the phone "Thank you, thank you", "We should definitely meet this week!"

"Yeah, of course!" I smile, "Got to go. See you soon.""See you soon." She ends the call.

"Oh yeah. I forgot that your birthday is tomorrow, " I hear a familiar voice behind me, making me turn back. Of course, my dear girlfriend.

"Oh yeah. I forgot that you were my girlfriend" I glared at her, opening the door to my office. I close the door.

Her foot somehow stops it, "I'm kidding, my love. Of course I know it's your birthday tomorrow." She wraps me in her arms.

"Hmph." I huff, not facing her. She turns my head by my jaw, well, sh*t. She looks beautiful.

I glanced at her lips, "I'm sorry darling, I, of course, know it's your birthday" she strokes my cheek with her thumb.

"Good" I roll my eyes, she kisses me quickly. "Love you" she grinned "Love you too" I sat on my chair, "I guess" I mumbled.

"What was that?" she tilted her head, "Hm" I innocently hummed. She was about to say something when a knock was heard on my door.

"Come in" I say, the door opens. Zanna comes in my office, "Ms. Kesse" she smiled. Leia looked up and smiled back,

Zanna comes to my desk, discussing something. Leia was just looking at her, smiling. Really? In front of me?

"Yeah okay, sure" I said, she nods and excuses herself before walking out of my office. "Really like her outfit today Leia?" I ask, looking through the paper on my desk.

"What?" she asks, going in front of my desk. "Are you on your period?" she chuckles, I glared at her. "Ookay, got my answer" she goes beside my chair, turning me.

She leans down, "Wanna go home?" she asks. I frowned, she chuckles. "Let's go" she pulls me up, intertwining our fingers.

"I hate you" I grumbled as she puts my jacket on me, she chuckled "I love you too darling."

She pulls me to her car, opening the door for me. I got in as she gets in the driver's seat. "I really wonder how we haven't been seen yet" I say, she smiles.

God, I hate the world right now but her smile really does lighten my mood. My lips formed a smile because of the sight of Leia.

"I love you" I blurt out, "I love you too" she holds my hand, kissing it. "Movies and pizza?" she asks making me smile, "Yesss" she smiled to my response.

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