Chapter 20: Birthday ●

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Rewritten on 11.17.2022

(❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️) - A little mature

Leia's POV

Trisha was driving with her hand holding mine, the only sound in the car was the music. "People will take pics of us" I say "Okay, let them. But I'll wear a cap of yours" she says making me smile "You really don't care if people know we're dating?" I ask "Yeah, but now is too soon." She says "Hm okay, so it's okay to you if we get pictured while holding hands?" I ask "Yeah, we'll reveal it anyways" she glances at me. "We're here" she says, I got out of the car and waited for Trisha.

She got out putting on a cap of mine, she goes to me and we went in the mall. People were staring at us but our faces were covered so we werent that easy to spot, "Brunch?" She says to my ears "Mhm" I reply. We go to a cafe, we ordered and Trisha paid cause she didn't let me.

We were sitting opposite of eachother, "So you really don't have plans for your birthday?" She asks "No not really, I don't really celebrate" I say putting my left hand on her knee "Well now that I'm your girlfriend, I'll always celebrate with you" Trisha smiles making me smile "You're the best" I got her hand with my right and kissed it. "And people will see us" Trisha says putting her hand down on the table "We'll say it's platonic" I chuckle putting my hand on top of hers "It's totally platonic" she chuckles.

We just talked until our food arrived, we thanked the waiter. I got my phone out and took a photo of my food for my story in IG, I then glanced at Trisha and she was looking at me. "Let's eat?" I ask "Yepp" she replies, we both eat while talking a litttle.

"So the meet and greet is on July 20?" She asks "Yeah" I reply "I think we have this event on June 16 tho" I say "Oh okay, by the way, won't you meet with your parents or friends" she asks "WE, but yeah, we can go to a bar. My cousins invited me for my birthday, and also some friends." I explain "Okayy, what time?" She asks "like 6pm, so we can spend time alone first" I smile "What do you wanna doo?" She asks "Anything" I respond. "Well let's go, I know where to go" she says standing up putting her hand out, I placed a tip and got her hand.

She was holding my hand while walking somewhere, I saw her glance at a jewelery store. I'll keep that shop in mind.

We stop at an arcade, it was like an indoor amusement park. It has a rollercoaster, bump cars, go-karts. I smiled at how Trisha knows my interests, "Let's go??" Trisha asks excitedly and I held her hand and went in.

We went to buy the tickets for the rollercoaster and for the bump cars, a few people approached us for pictures. We posed for some pictures before going to the rollercoaster, some fans followed us. We got on the rollercoaster and sat in the front row, the ride started and Trisha immediatley held my hand. I was just chuckling the whole ride, Trisha was hiding on my shoulder.

After the first round, Trisha was giggling. "Love, are you okay" I whisper to her ear chuckling "Yeah it was boring" she says making me laugh "It sure was" I say, the second round starts. It was x2 faster making Trisha scream at the drop, I was laughing still holding Trisha's hand. The ride ended, we got off the ride.

"You okay?" I asked "Yep, it was really boring" she says making me snicker "Hey!" She exclaims hitting my shoulder "Yes love" I ask whispering "Hmph" she walks away from me, and I ran to her to catch up. "Sorry my love" I say putting my arm around her "Bumpcars?" She asks "Sure" I respond, we go to the line.

After waiting, we got in and it was a 1v1 between Trisha and me. I smiled at her before the game started, I chased her around crashing into her. The game finished and we got out, "Bumpcars is fun" she says "Mhmmm, where now?" I face her "Play games?" She asks "Sure" I say pulling her to the games. We went to play some games.

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