Chapter 28: LK and OR

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The Story of Lily and Olivia

This Chapter is full of flashbacks...
(Some are long flashbacks)

Lily's POV

My relationship with Liv has been weird, we keep on making eye contact, I always find myself lost in her eyes, I feel her gaze on me, she acts awkward when its only the two of us. I can't even avoid her since we live together in a house, it has been so awkward. It's probably because of what happend between us...


"Come on Lyyy, let's watch horror moviess" Liv says whining "Fine, if it'll make you happy" I jump in the bed with her, settling in the bed. "Yayyy" she goes closer to me "What movie?" I ask "Just go to the horror category and pick one there" she says, I do what she says, finding a good movie. When I picked one, I played it. Thunder struck, I hear Liv scream. "Liv" I laugh "It's not funny" she covers herself with the blanket, I pulled her closer in my arms. "It really is Livvy" I say "Let's just watch" she pouts, we watched the movie.

When it was a silent and dark scene, I scared her. She screamed which leads into me laughing "I hate you so much" she hits me with a pillow "Alright then" I say getting a pillow, I hit her gently so she wouldn't get hurt. She hits me again "Excqueeze me?" I say pretending to be hurt "Are you declaring war?" I ask "Maybe" she stands up hitting me before running away, "Hey!" I ran after her. After a few minutes of running around, I catched up to her. We were hitting eachother with our pillows, when she was hitting me multiple times..I picked her up not letting her go, "Hey! You're unfair" she pouts. I take her to the bed "I know" I chuckle gently placing her down, I hit her with a pillow and laid down beside her. "I win" I smile "You're soooo unfair" she crosses her arms, "I know" I say settling in the blanket.

Halfway in the movie, Liv got up to go to the bathroom. Why do I spend alone time with her? I fall more and more. I need to get rid of my feelings. God, this is Leia's fault. She bailed last minute with Evelyn, leaving the both of us. I can't ruin our longterm friendship. The bathroom door opened making me look, Liv looks beautiful as always. God, I'm such a simp. A jumpscare pops up making both of us scream, she jumps in the bed. She lands on top of me "Liv? You okay?" I ask pulling her closer, she looks up making eye contact. Her eyes are gorgeous. She starts chuckling making me chuckle "Are you okay" I ask still chuckling "Yeah.." she goes closer to my face "I really love your eyes" Liv says softly "And I love yours" I smiled at her, a loud thud from the movie echoed through the room. I saw Liv flinch, I pulled her closer hugging her. Her face was a few inches apart from mine.

God, I'm so tempted. I was lost in her eyes when I felt soft lips on mine, I was shocked but kissed back. I hug her waist deepening the kiss, sh*t what's happening. We pulled away due to lack of breath, her forehead stayed on mine. I was about to say something when she kissed me again, I kiss her deeper flipping us over. I have to stop. But I can't control myself. Lily Kesse, I'm telling you, stop. But her kisses are so addicting. Why am I fighting myself in my mind? She pulls me closer, wrapping her arms around my neck.

End of flashback......

Lost in my thoughts, Leia hit my shoulder. "What?" I complain "You're zoning out, are you okay?" She asks "Eh," I shrug my shoulders "I bet you're thinking about Liv" she says "What, no" I scoff "You have literally liked her for years, love even!" She says "No," I denied "When will you accept that you love her, what if you never confess and she ends up with someone else?" She explains "Then good for her" I say "God Lily! Just admit it. I swear, if you guys don't end up together. I'll kill you." She threathens "Hey guys?" I hear Liv say making turn back, I punch Leia's shoulder. I cross my legs and arms, sighing.

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