Chapter 32: Prank and Meet&Greet ●

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Rewritten on 12.27.2022

Leia's POV

I woke up behind Trisha, with my arms wrapped around her waist. I kissed her head before getting up carefully, trying not to wake her up.

I got up and checked the time, 11am, sh*t. I got ready and went to the kitchen cooking breakfast for Trisha, I prepared it on the table covering it up.

I got the mug that Trisha gave me and got some coffee, I placed it on the counter. I got my shoes and wore them. I went back to the counter and saw that the mug had a message, I went to it and read the message.


I love you, I love you so much. I never thought I would fall in love with someone this quickly. Your smile which would light up my day, your affectionate words that would always make my face heat up, your physical touch that I can't go a day without. God, I'm so in love with you. I love you so much, My Lee.

Always hoping you have a great day bub. Never forget to eat meals on time. Rest, always.

Love, you know who xoxo

I smile widely at the message, god, she's really just the best. I drink my coffee still smiling, I love Trisha so much.

Oh sh*t I'm gonna be late, I finish my coffee. I got a note and placed it on the table, I wrote a message.

Hey love, sorry, had to run. I'm meeting someone, I'll call you when I can. Btw, I really love your gift. I think I won't have a bad day anymore, thank you a million times. I made u breakfast, or brunch. I hope you have a great day, don't tire yourself. I love you so much<3

Love, you know who, xoxo.

You're the best Trisha Leroy :)

I got out the apartment, getting in my car. Going to my destination.

A few(or maybe a lot) hours later...

"I remember when you were still realizing that you loved her, and when you were debating on what to do" I chuckled, she chuckled as well. As our minds went back to a specific afternoon.

I was talking to her, "You know I'll always be here, you can always call me" I smile "I know, and I'm really thankful for that" she smiles "Thank you, really." She states "Of course," I chuckle "I'm always available for you" I lean back "You're the bestt" she hugs me, I hug her back. "You know you can also talk to Cam, she's been through this before." I say "With Mel? Yeah I know" she laughs going back to her seat.

"God!! I normally know what to do! What happend to me!" She exclaims "Hays, you fell in love" I mumble "This isn't a joke Lei" she hits my shoulder "Bruv what? I'm being honest??" I fix my hair "Okay? Maybe I did but-" she stops, I tilt my head in confusion. She looks at her phone, she blushes hard. I laugh "Gay btch" I state "What's up?" I ask "Her messageeee" she buries her face on her knees since her feet were up on the couch, "Wow, never saw this from you" I say still laughing.

"Lei I swear, HOW to get rid of feelings" she whines "It's either, you don't or you just bury your feelings until you move on" I tell her "I don't know what to dooo" she mumbles while burying her face on the literal couch, "Is it possible that she likes you?" I ask. "There is a possibility but it's like 5 percent" she sighs "Her family's homophobic" she hangs her head down "But is SHE homophobic?" I ask, she looks at the ceiling probably thinking. "I don't think she is, she stays quiet if her family talks and she supports me" she explains "What if you just kidnap her and run away with her?" I suggest, I get hit by a pillow. "Okay, that's a no then" I say,

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