Chapter 19: Birthday Treat ●

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Rewritten on 11.16.2022

May 30, 2022

5 pm

Trisha's POV

Leia has been in the office the whole dayy, I miss her already. I have been laying in Leia's bed since there was a work emergency and she told me to just stay here and that she would take care of it, I just watched movies in her room. I went to the bathroom and took a bath, I changed into Leia's clothes. It smells like her, she really does naturally smell great.

My outfit

I'll go to the office since I miss my girlfriend and since I can

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I'll go to the office since I miss my girlfriend and since I can. I called for my car and went out of the penthouse, I went to the ground floor and my car was there. I thanked the driver and went to the driver's seat, I started the engine and began to drive.

I arrived at our office after 15 minutes, I got out of my car and gave the keys to the valet. I went up the elevator as people greet me, I went to the level of our offices and went to Leia's side.

"Is she busy?" I ask our secretary "I think she's just doing paperwork, you can come in" she says "Thank you" I opened the door to Leia's office and she glanced at the door and went back to the paper on her desk, she looks at me again realizing who I was. She smiled and got up from her chair "Hey gorgeous, why are you here?" She asks as she hugs me "I missed you and I wanted to help with your work" I say while hugging her, we pull away. "And you literally left your girlfriend in your penthouse without anything to do" I scold pouting, she chuckles.

"Sorry my love" She kisses my lips pulling me by my waist, I deepened the kiss and wrapped my arms around her neck. "Did you finish your work?" I ask after we pulled away, my face was still near to her's with my hands on her shoulders. "Almost" she replies before kissing me again, I was lost in the kiss when I felt a surface against my back. She kisses me deeper placing her knee in between my thighs, sh*t we can't do this here. I pulled away and Leia looked into my eyes "We can't do this here love" I say playing with her collar, she glances at my hand and looks back to my eyes. "Just kisses" She says before kissing me, I wrap my arms around Leia's neck pulling her closer.

We made out on Leia's couch for quite some time, we really did miss eachother. When we were done we just sat down beside eachother on the couch "I want more on my birthday" she states pouting "Weren't you the one who said, 'On a another day' ?" I tease, she pouts "But sure love" I chuckle at her cuteness "Waitt, so can I mark you on my birthday" she asks excitedly "Yes babe, If you want to. But if our parents see it, you'll explain." I shrug my shoulders "Why are you so excited for that" I chuckle "Because people will know you're taken" she states crossing her arms "Love, when people find out that you're my girlfriend, they'll know you were the one who marked me." I say "Atleast they would know that you're mine and only mine" she holds my hand "Yes bub, I'm yours and only yours" I kiss her hand "And we have work sooo" I got up pulling Leia to her desk, she sits down on her chair.

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