Chapter 33: Concert & Rest

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July 30, 2022

Leia's POV

I was getting ready in the dressing room, "Hey Livvey" I say as I see Liv walk in. "Where's Lily? I ask "Busy" she replies, "Really? Alright" I fix my hair.

"You know the outfit you're planning to wear is really out of your style" Liv says making me open my eyes "Well yeah, it's your kind of style" I say "Rare" she says "Yeah, I wanted to match your style" I chuckle "Well thank you Alli" she smiles, "When does the concert start?" I ask "In a few hours," she replies scrolling through her phone.

"Let's go then" I stand up, pulling Liv with me. We went to the stage, "Jeez, you walk so fast" she said making me chuckle. She puts her earpiece on, going to the mic. I put my earpiece on, sitting down on the edge letting my feet hang off the stage.

She starts checking the mic "Your favorite crime~" she sings the line "What's your favorite song on SOUR?" She asks facing me, I looked to her. "I love everything, but Enough for you and hope ur ok. Ooo and also 1 step forward and 3 steps back." I smile "Ohhh nice nice" she smiles, she tosses me a mic. "Let's go" she says excitedly, I stand up walking around. The intruments start, Liv begins to sing. I sing along, halfway through the song.

"Did you warmup Liv?" I ask "Not really?" she tilts her head "You always sound great tho" I chuckle "Thank you, Thank you" she smiles taking the mic off the stand, she walks to me. "Wanna make a tiktok" she laughs "Sure" I chuckle, we went down the stage. "You know, I prefer you without makeup" I randomly mention "Hmm? And why's that?" She asks walking backwards "I don't know, you're just naturally beauti-" I cut my self off "Yeah no, I'm gonna sound like Lily. You're naturally pretty" I fix my words, she chuckles. "Well thank you Lei," she chuckles tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear "What If I tell Lily you're talking to a boy" I ask "Why?" She asks "Trip ko lang, I just want to," I shrug "I dare you and I'll tell Trisha you're with the girl that was flirting with you on the dock" she threathens, I gasp dramatically. "Zanna?!?" I ask "Why do you even know her name Lei, you're not really cheating right?" She says making me chuckle "Liv, of course not. I just know her name since she's my employee" I explain placing my hand on her shoulder, "Hmph, if you do, I'll be the one scolding you" she crosses her arms. "I would never Liv," I say fixing my hair "Okay, good. Now, let's go" she says skipping around, we make a tiktok.

When we were done, Liv was fixing the video. My phone rings..


"Hey L!"

"Oh hey L, what's up?"

Liv faces me, curious.

"Do you know where-"

She asks me something, I was looking at Liv who was clearly upset about something. "Yeah it's in my office" I reply to my sister, she thanks me and ends the call. "What's up Liv?" I ask putting my phone back in my pocket "What do you mean?" She looks back to her phone "You're upset about something, what's up?" I ask "Nothing" she smiles, which is really fake. "Hmm, 'kay" I let it go, for now.

"You do have tiktok right?" She chuckles "I'm offended, yeah, aren't we friends?" I ask "Oh yeah, here" she smiles, she scrolls through her phone. "Okay, I posted it. Wanna practice now?" She asks walking "Sure, let's go" we went up the stage, singing duets.

We do our last sound check, I saw that Liv was teary-eyed. I went to her and hugged her, she hugged back.


I was finished with my outfit and makeup, I was scrolling through my phone. "Y'know my cousin is a super fan of yours" I chuckle "Which one?" She jokes laughing "I think my whole family's a fan of yours honestly" I admit "Oh yeah, I think my cousins bought like VIP tickets even though they literally hear you and have met you" I say "Rei, Hanni, Iris?" She chuckles putting lipstick on "Yeah," I laugh "You met them when Lily introduced you right?" I ask "Yep," she smiles "You are actually literally beloved by our parents" I stand up going to her "Such an honor" she smiles. "Let's take a picture" she says, we take a selfie making goofy faces. A notification from her phone dings. She looks at it, I saw her eyes change.

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