I did know when but at some point I really just fell asleep. I welcomed the bed and let the darkness consume me as if it was my destiny. When I woke up, it was already night and I could see Mr. Foster sitting on a chair with me in the same room as well as his assistant. It was weird because I knew this man had a family and as for his assistant, he had a home as well. There was definitelly no need for them to be in the same room like me if not for ME.
Why would you do that?
I am just a nobody....
Is this because I saved your life?
Is it because you feel like repaying a dept?
It's already this late.....
On second thought.
Maybe it is better if she will kill me...
Sounds like a good plan.
How late is it even?
Let's see if there is a clock somewhere....
Can't see anything in this darkness... maybe my phone or a phone?
Mine is broken after all but who's is that on the table?
Ah they won't surely mind me just looking at the screen for the time, right?
I slowly stood up as to not make any noise at all and when I managed to stand up, I didn't feel any pain coming from my leg anymore. It honestly surprised me but one look down and I saw that I didn't had a cast at all.
They found a healer for me...
Is this why I can't feel any pain anymore?
Is this really why?
How did they even manage to find one?
A healing quirk is a rare gift.
As I was stunt at what they just did, I also went over to the desk where I could see a phone. Just one glance told me that it was around 2 am in the morning. Way to early and way to late at the same time. It was just in the middle of the night and thankfully I knew that my mom would never stay this late. That also meant that I was safe if I would get home now. That also meant that she would for sure beat the shit out of me tomorrow if she would get me in her hands again.
This is bad.
I should get home.
Also need to lock the door and make sure to put something in front of it in case she tries to break in....
Tomorrow is even a school day.
My uniform is ruined as well...
Guess ama just go in the gym unifrom.
Should be enough.
Anyways, I should go now.
I don't want to be more of a burden for them....
But I can't just leave like that.
Yeah... I can't do that.
Better leave them a note.
Since I was at the desk I just grabbed a pen and some random paper and wrote a thank you letter. Basically all I wrote is "Thank you for healing me! I am sure to repay your kindness someday! ~Parallax". It was enough to make sure he knew that I was safe and that I was also good.
Okay, now that that's done... Let's leave as quiet as possible.
I don't want to wake them up after all.
I didn't realize that Mr. Foster woke up due to the door which I opened and amde a screeching sound. It was very loud and high pitched. Still I knew I had to go and couldn't stay with them for any longer. I had a job to do and a life to get rid of at some point as well. There was no way I would stay with them any longer.
Once I was about to leave, I heard someone make an AHAM sound from behind me and that was when I spun around looking at Mr. Foster.
Foster: Where do you think you are going?
Me: Back home.
Foster: At this hour child?
Me: I have too!
Foster: Kid, you can rest here. Let me send a message to-
Me: NO!
Me: I mean no.
I knew exactly that if he did that and my mom would find out about this, he would get in trouble as well. She was normally always drunk and he didn't for sure need a drunk woman in here. This would only scare away all the ramining customers he had. They were not even many and I knew when my mom flips out she would destroy things. There would be for sure some material losses here.
So all in all that was a bad idea.
Foster: Are you scared from home?
Me: That's not it. I don't want to get you in any more troubles besides I have to get home and do my rounds.
Foster: How about resting one day?
Me: Evil never rests.
Foster: You are right on that Parallax but you are still a child.
Me: And?
Foster: You are human as well and there are soo many heroes out patrolling, why do you have to push yourself this hard.
Me: Because it's worth it.
Foster: Oh Parallax...
Me: I am sorry and thanks for finding a healer.
Foster: No problem.... Before you go take this with you!
With that said he threw a first aid kit my way and turned around going back to the one room I was in. I could only catch it and look at the kindness he offered me. It was heartwarming and I really couldn't help but smile at the small guesture he did at the end. No one ever cared for me at all but this, this was the first time I felt soo warm that my eyes started stinging. I was close on crying out of happiness. It was such a rare emotion for me, still I enjoyed it.
Once I put that in my bag, I decided to just walk home first. Little did I know that that was not the best idea I could have had. Who would have thought that walking home as a kid in the middle of the night would get me in soo much trouble. What could even worse be... Well how about a bag with completly bloody cloths and a yellow backpack with blood stains on it...
What great found for any hero.

Parallax (Suicidal Vigilante Deku)
FanfictionNo one has the right to intervene in the life of another person. That was something Izuku knew but ignored soo many times. He wanted to help, and the only way to do so was to become Parallax. A person nonexistent to the world but yet living to help...