This was kinda fun.
It was also quite shocking.
They are all lacking.
No coordination!
Basic teamwork but nothing more than that.
No planning and no strategy most of the times.
I really have to talk with them about everything.
I really want to know why Nexu put me in charg-
Does he knows!
I mean...
It can't be!
Okay calm down!
Let's go Nezu while yhey have their break and find out for myself!
I am sure he would have said or hinte-
Is this supposed to be a hint.
Me: Aaahhh... Dang it.
As the last one in the room I ruffled my hair as I started to think more about it. This was ridiculous. Did it make any srnse for the rat to put me in charge of the class instead of being in the class? I am quirkless! Maybe he saw something that put me in this position or he found out.
It was only a matter of time till he would find out about it but still... I didn't think this would be soo soon!
Me: I wonder if he... No stop driving yourself crazy. Only one way to find out...
Dad: One way for what?
Me: Dad? Since when are you there at the door?
Dad: Ever since you decide to stay here behind.
Me: Oh..
Dad: What's on your mind problem child?
Me: Be honest with me. Fo you think Nezu knows?
Dad: Why would you think about that?
Me: I mean I am in charge of this class hero training and I am quirkless. So why would he do that?
Dad(whispering) : ... I'll skin the rat....
Me: Huh?
Dad: Don't worry about anything.
Me: ahm okay... Don't kill anyone.
Dad: Don't worry. If I would do that no one find the body.
Me: I don't know if I should be worried now...
Dad: *sigh*
With that my dad ruffled my hair before we both went outside. It was lunch break after all and I mostly spend my breaks with my dad and papa together. However this time I had to cut it short to go to see Nezu.
Needless to say that I felt kinda nervous to go there and ask him the question I had to know. There was a high possibility that he knew that I was Parallax. I mean by now I also had a rough idea who Nezu was. Not only that but I for sure gave myself away in the fight with class 1A. Now I really had to talk to the rat.
Once I was standing in front of his room, I knocked and waited till he let me inside. There I could see some tea and biscuits on the table. Oh this damn principal of a chimera was waiting for me for sure.
Me: You knew I would come.
Nezu: It was quite obvious.
Me: ....
Nezu: Now then, take a seat.
Me: Thanks...
Nezu: What can I do for you?
Me: You know it already so why even ask?
Nezu: I do, Mister Parallax.
Me: Thought so... you knew... since when?
Nezu: After the hacking attack.
Me: ... what gave me away?
Nezu: There is a pattern which Parallax used to hack the police once. It was the same pattern.
Me: Ohhh....
Nezu: Anyways, since you are here and you will be preparing for the hero license in a legal way, I don't see a reason why I should report you. That is the reason you came here today, right?
Me: Yeah... you got me but what is in it for you?
Nezu: For me?
Me: Yes. People don't do things if there is not something coming out for them usally.
Nezu: HAHAHAHAHA You are training the hero class which will make them better and hence my school will gain a better reputation.
Me: You just want to beat the other school in the license examination exam?
Nezu: Exactly.
Me: Alright. I'll train them till they are better than any hero.
Nezu: I am counting on you. How are they now that you saw them for yourself.
Me: I am sure you also watched the little excercise.
Nezu: I did indeed.
Me: Then you saw that I was holding back at them.
Nezu: That is what I assumed.
Me: To say it simply. They are too weak for now.
Nezu: That is why you are here.
Me: Yes and I will work them down to their bones if I have too.
Nezu: Feel free to do so. Oh and please tell your father not to glare at me if he values his possition as a hero.
Me: ....
The moment Nezu told me that, I turned around and there was actually my dad looking through the small window in the door. Like there was this small glass panel where he was standing behind and then glaring at Nezu with his quirk actiavted. He wasn't alone there. My papa, Mic, was also there and as well glaring at Nezu. For some reasons Midnight was there too.
There was absolutely nothing more that I wanted to do then face palm myself right now but instead of doing that, I decided to go ahead and just sigh. I may have sounded like Aizawa right now but there was really nothing I could do right now.
Me: I am sorry.
Nezu: Nothing to be sorry about.
I don't trust this smile but I have to do something about them.
I am sure Nezu is dangerous.
I can feel it.
Better stand up and make sure they will leave.
Me: Excuse me for a minute.
Nezu: Take your time.
Oh I won't or you will do something!
The moment I said that, I was already standing up and on my way to the door. Oh how quick I left the room and was standing there blocking the view and leaning against the door looking at the heroes was a new record for sure.
Me: What are you guys doing here?
Papa: Making sure you are fine.
Me: Oh really?
Papa: Yeah!
Midnight: Nezu is not one to trust.
Me: ... I got this and if you all don't leave now, I am sure he will do something and dad, papa, I am safe. Don't worry about it. I have you guys as well as Tsukauchi and others backing me up.
Dad: *sigh*
Me: Please... just go now. I am done talking with him anyways.
Turning around, I looked at the chimera sitting there and waved him to say my fareawell before basically dragging the heroes behind me on my way to the next class.

Parallax (Suicidal Vigilante Deku)
FanfictionNo one has the right to intervene in the life of another person. That was something Izuku knew but ignored soo many times. He wanted to help, and the only way to do so was to become Parallax. A person nonexistent to the world but yet living to help...