So after everything what happened, I really wanted to make sure everyone was alright before I woudl head to the police office myself. This time Nezu was there too and we both entered the room where Sato was sitting. His quirk didn't fitted him since no one knew if they wouldn't dig up too deep that this guy used to be a frantic about fitness studios and never ate anything like sugar at all. Yes his quirk allowed him to be stronger with Sugar but the thing is, Nezu managed to find an very old hospital document saying this guy had diabetis. Now how could such a guy have a sugar quirk when their body can't take sugar?
The answere was pretty easy and that was because of All for One.
Nezu: I am impressed you came soo far with the lie.
Sato: What lie?
Me: How about diabeties and being quirkless?
Sato: I don't know what you talking about.
How dare you lie to us now?!
Are you insane!
I really wasn't in the mood for this so I slammed my hands on the table and I might also just stabbed a dagger down into the table. This definitelly made this guy flinch.
Me: Do you even know who I am?
Sato: Our teacher?
Me: I am Parallax and your villainous friends took all the homeless people from the streets that I protect.
Sato: PARA-
Nezu: It is advaced to come clean now.
Me: I am not up for joking.
Sato: I wasn't infromed about this.
Me: Speak! NOW!
Sato: I'll tell you everything I know but please don't hurt me.
Did words about the Skinner spread around?
It's not as if I was the only one hurting that guy.
I mean that cat officer did his own fair share on that guy.
So yeah....
Me: Depends on what you have to say.
Nezu: First off all, I suggest telling us about that creature.
Sato: I don't know much about it.
Me: Really now?
Sato: I promise!
Me: Then what do you know?!
Sato: It's a human or was and they made them have the quirks of soo many other people.
Me: I know that already. Tell me one reason I shouldn't end your life like the other villains?
Sato: Because you are a hero!
Me: Vigilante!
Nezu: And he doesn't have to obey by the rules.
Sato: You can't do this!
Me: Nezu, would you look the other way pure coincidently?
Nezu: As the future so will, I coincidently need a tea right now.
Sato: NO! NO NONONONO Don't leave me here alone with him!
Nezu: I suggest you to talk then.
Me: Where are they?
Sato: A-A-An
All of the sudden this guy who had muscles all over his body started stuttering as I pulled the dagger out. Nezu was right at the door since he did hint of leaving us be in the room together if Sato wouldn't say anything at all. Oh well it wasn't as if I didn't had my own ways of making someone talk.
Sato: Abandoned factory!
Me: Where?
Sato: That tuna factury.
Me: Where exactly.
Sato: There is an elevator which doesn't work but there are staircases leading out.
Me: Why should I believe you?
Sato: I swear on my life! It's true! That's where they create the Nomu!
Me: Nezu, I'll leave the rest up to you.
Nezu: I understand.
Just like that I basically dashed out of the room and out of the police station. I didn't cared about the people following me or not, I had to go there and see it for myself. These people were there and I had to go and safe the people that were still alive.
Please be alive!
Running as fast as I could, I could also feel the bad feeling I got in the bottom of my stomach pit. My gut knew that there was no hope but I was still clinking on to it.
I don't want to have this true!
Just one!
Someone had to survive this!
My feet were already moving without stopping. Even if I wanted to stop right now there was no chance I could do that. Something was wrong and the closer I got to the place the more I felt like this. Not only did I know very well that there was really no one who could have survived, I could also feel it. Call me delusional but I denied my feelings of the reality as my hope for finding a person was a lot bigger than that.
Me: They have too be alive!
This was how I managed to get to the abandoned factury and quickly get to the place where Sato told me they would be. It was horrible. The stench of rotten flesh was everywhere. Not only that but there was also blood around this place too.
Me: Oh no...
Still this didn't hold me from entering that room and seeing all the cages. In there I could see nearly all of the people I knew dead. Thankfully there were some people that were still alive.
Me: Hold on.
Boy: Parallax?
Me: I am here.
Boy: Guys! He came! *sob* He came *sob*
Me: I'll get you out of there!
One after another I started opening these cages and at this point, I saw my father who trailed me. He definitelly was helping me out releasing all these kids and adults. More than half were dead and a couple were also missing. However I was glad to find some of them alive. Even normal missing people who were not from the streets were held in these cages.
The thing was, we also found a room which looked like a surgery room and tubes with monsters inside. They were all dead but I knew that within one monster there were soo many lifes that were lost. One was the host plus the people quirks it had.
All in all, thanks to the scare of what I did to the Skinner, we got these information rather quickly and could also safe some people. We didn't find the man behind the scene meaning AfO but we found the doctor who created these people. It truned out he was hiding in place. The police found him and that guy could only speak out of luck that I was too busy calming people down and didn't find him or else he would be dead.

Parallax (Suicidal Vigilante Deku)
FanfictionNo one has the right to intervene in the life of another person. That was something Izuku knew but ignored soo many times. He wanted to help, and the only way to do so was to become Parallax. A person nonexistent to the world but yet living to help...