When I looked at the hero, I could tell that he was tired and fast asleep. He might be an underground hero but he also needed rest and I did kinda make him run for his money the day before. So he definitelly needed this rest. On that topic, I also had to get out of here.
I can't wake him up!
With that in mind, I keept my breathing through the whole time I was awake in check and made sure it was was very shallow as if I was sleeping. I knew some techniques that would calm me down and the moment I remembered my past, I immediately started to use these mental techniques.
Now that I am awake, let's think of a way to get out of here!
I looked around myself but there wasn't really much of an escape option available for me. There was the window and a hero laying right there, then there was a door and after that everything was just walls. There wasn't even a vent system which was large enough for me to get into. Otherwise I would have used that for sure. It was an easy way to travel around after all.
Okay, window are out.
After windows, the vent system is out too.
There is no chance I would manage to get through these!
It's way to small...
They did a great job designing these rooms.
Now let's thinkg.
There is still the door but after what I did, I am sure it is locked.... So what if it is locked! I can still lockpick it!
But with what?
Without much of any hesitation, I grabbed the needle which was in my arm and also attached to the IV, I knew how to safely remove it, so I did just that. It wasn't as if I just pulled it out by force, I was careful not to hurt myself more since I was already in a hospital and also bothered everyone on healing me.
I wasn't that dumb not to know when to appreaciate someones work. They went out of their way and helped me, who was I to ruin their work? That would just be rude and soo not something I would do.
So once I got the IV out, I looked at the monitoring mashines and thankfully, I wasn't attached to any machine at all. They just put me in here with an IV and a hero. I was happy about this. Otherwise I would have needed to find a way to make it beep in the same sewuence like my heart beat or anything like this. Then again... Why should I be on a mashine when they just healed me? Didn't made much sense.
Now... steady and easy... no rush... no sound!
I can do this!
I don't want to wake him up!
He needs his rest!
This hobo hero really needs him.
Gosh now I am the rude one.
Yeah right!
The dooor!~
I was still laying in the bed when I slowly started moving. The bed started creacking a bit and my heart was racing at this point. All I could do was look at the hero and hope, I didn't wake him up. Well thankfully I really didn't but as clumsy as I was, the moment I really wanted to get out of the bed, my foot somehow entangeled itself with the bedsheet and I fell face first down makeing a big sound.
Me: Ufff.... Dang it...
Aizawa: Hm? Problem child?
Me: Ahm... Good morning?
Aizawa: What are you doing?
Me: Bathroom break?
Aizawa: Why is everything you tell me a question?
Me: Because?
Aizawa: *sigh*
The hero came out of his sleeping beg and came to help me up because at this point, I was struggeling to get out of this damn bedsheet.
Oh great!
Look what you did!
Look at you!
What a bather!
I swear!
I can't do anything right!
I had to just wake this hero up!
He really needs his sleep!
Great Izu!
Just Great!
Next time why not scream, hey I am awake so weak up?!
What a great way to go at this, genius...
I was scolding myself in my thoughts as if that would actually help me. All it did however was just making me realize how useless and helpless as well as bothersome I am. This hero was just woken up and now entangeling my foot from that mean thing so I could stand up but even then, he looked at me with furrowed browns before he went to the lightswitch and turned the light on. Of course I hissed at the hero for a bit. The light was killing my eyes and I really didn't expected it.
Aizawa: *sigh*
Did I just hiss?
Great, what are you?
A vampire?
Where are your manners?
Me: Thanks and sorry that I woke you up.
Aizawa: It's fine problem child.
Me: ...
Aizawa: ...
He was looking at me as if he expected me to say something. It was quiet obvious that he waiting for something but what was that something. I really didn't had any clues about that. It was a complet mystery to me.
Aizawa: *sigh* Problem child, why did you remove it?
Me: It?
Aizawa: The IV infusion.
Me: Ohh.... I felt itchy.
Aizawa: Probem child!
Me: Hm?
Aizawa: *sigh* Did you wanted to escape?
Me: No. I really just want to go to the bathroom.
Aizawa: Come on then.
He unlocked the door and yes, I could have dashed out of here and sayed see ya sucker! but the problem with that was that I didn't know this hospital or any hospital at all. Besides that I really didn't need to land in a physic ward because of what I would do if I decided to run.
On a side note, I really had to go to the bathroom and relieve myself. I didn't know for how long I was sleeping and hunger was also starting to make itself noticable since my stomach started growling and you could actually hear it. It was just to quiet in the room.
Aizawa: *sigh* Let's get you something to eat too.
It was like this, that the hero opened the door and was offereng me to go first. Of course he had his sleeping bag over his shoulder when we exited the room and I would say we were quiet the odd bunch but ot was like this that I went to the bathroom while he waited outside and we then exited the hospital together.
What would happen next was only something time could tell.

Parallax (Suicidal Vigilante Deku)
FanfictionNo one has the right to intervene in the life of another person. That was something Izuku knew but ignored soo many times. He wanted to help, and the only way to do so was to become Parallax. A person nonexistent to the world but yet living to help...