So after I had the class warm up and see for themselves how important it was to actually be able to be vigilant, I decided to let them be on their own and just asset all their quirks for now. I mean I don't know them plus I wanted to do a villain vs hero excersice where I was the villain of course.
Aizawa: What you think aobut them?
Me: They are too reckless as it is now.
Aizawa: But they have potential.
Me: True.
Aizawa: What you have in plan?
Me: To make them go at me at the end of the week.
Aizawa: HAHAHAHA they have no chances.
Me: I know.
Aizawa: Why do this then, they are not ready yet.
Me: Cause life doesn't wait for them to be ready nor will villains.
Aizawa: ....
While I was watching them, I decided to announce what I just said to Aizawa to the whole class and they seemed thrilled from what I could see. Of course I was aware that Bakugo already told them that I was quirkless. This however meant nothing and they were soon to find that out too.
For the rest of the week I started to asset as well as anylize them. This was how I was either watching them train with All Might and Aizawa or make some notes.
I need a plan.
I am not soo foulish to attack or take them on without a plan.
Not that I am not confident or anything like this...
If I can get my information then I should do that.
This is key work for being a hero.
Always keep track of rumors and villains. Otherwise you are dead.
I want them to learn this.
Now then... what did I wrote down...
A/N: All information presented is from:
Yuga's Quirk allows him to shoot a powerful sparkling laser cannon from his navel. It is so powerful, it can blast through two meters of solid concrete. If he fires the laser for more than 1 second at a time, he will suffer intestinal distress.
Not a bad quirk but can't really do much if I get into a close combat situation as well as behind him.
Besides one second is not much.... I bet it also needs time to recharge.
I need to watch his movements closely.
Next up...
Mina's Quirk allows her to produce a corrosive liquid from her body. She can control the and of this corrosive liquid. There is a limit to how long she can produce the corrosive liquid until her skin gradually loses its natural resistance to it.
Whelp not something I can't go against if I wear a costume.
I wonder if I am allowed to get one..
Denki's Quirk allows him to generate electricity and cover his body in it. While he can also emit this energy over a distance, Denki has little to no control over it, meaning it will go everywhere indiscriminately. Exceeding his wattage limit causes his brain to short-circuit, leaving him in a vulnerable state for 1 hour.
Wait a moment.
This is the same problem!
If I get a costume that can resist even a bit of the electricity he discharges, it would be a win win for me.
Where is the note about him.
Let's see.
Shoto's Quirk gives him the ability to generate ice from the right side of his body, and flames from his left side.
Here it is!
So now I am really curious!
It should be possible to create a costume with these resistances.
Heat, Cold, Electricity and Acid.
If I get my hands on that, then there is not really anything I have to worry for... to much at least.
I won't underestimate them!
That's for sure.
Maybe Dad, knows if I can-
Me: DAD!
Without thinking twice, I shouted out for my father who immediately responded and came into my room. It was the evening before this excersice and I wanted to be prepared for this.
Me: Dad?
Dad: What's up, problem child?
Me: You think I can wear my vigilante suit beneath normal stuff?
Dad: No, why do you want this?
Me: I will go up against Mina and the best way to counter is having something acid proof on me.
Dad: I already told the support course to make you something like that.
Me: Huh?
Dad: Me and Mic were talking aobut this at the beginning of the week and asked Power Loader to make something for you. It will be ready till tomorrow morning.
Me: You did?
Dad: Of course. Why would I let my quirkless son fight my class without some support gear?
Me: Oh.. thank you.
Dad: Your welcome. Oh by the way, it is fire proof to some extend and will keep you warm for a short bit.
Me: What about electricity?
Dad: Low resistence from what I heard.
Me: So can withstand a bit. Got it. Anything else I should know?
Dad: Don't know. I told Power Loader about this and he said he needed Nezu's approval for this. After that I got a notification telling me he got a blueprint ready.
Me: So Nezu did something.
Dad: As I know that rat, yes.
Me: So a suprise it is.
Dad: You got a plan for tomorrow?
Me: Not yet but I am going over the notes I made.
Dad: I won't bother you then and don't worry, I'll cover your nightshift as Parallax for today.
Me: Thanks dad.
With that, he went out of the door and left me alone with my notes. With that I got back to thinking again. My notes were helping me a lot and I loved them but I still needed some weapons to use. Otherwise it would be a fist fight.
I wonder if I...
It's not a Parallax weapon and dad give it to me..
There sohuldn't be any problem with that.
Now where did I put it...
Just thinking about weapons I immediately thought about the dagger my dad gave me and which I modified for a bit. It wasn't an offical weapon I used as Parallax and no one ever saw me use it. So I was sure to take that one in order to fight his class.
I only hoped I was allowed to fight them for real and injure them a bit. Oh whelp, I will find out anyways.

Parallax (Suicidal Vigilante Deku)
FanfictionNo one has the right to intervene in the life of another person. That was something Izuku knew but ignored soo many times. He wanted to help, and the only way to do so was to become Parallax. A person nonexistent to the world but yet living to help...