Me: ....
I really wanted to scream. Was it that bad that I couldn't. My own conscience told me not to as I watched this person as a creature tear up the villain. My dad was safe but this other villain was definitelly about to teleport them away. That was if he could do that. Because all of the sudden everything went down even more crazier.
Me: Dad!
Gun shots echoed through the whole USJ building and I watched the creature fall down to the ground. This was definitelly Snipes doing just based from the accurate shots. I saw it. There was one shot going through its head.
Me: NO!
Thanks to me being so worried about my father, I ran by his side but when the PANG echoed through the building and when I saw the creature falling down, I was about to run off to it. Too bad that my own father was holding me back.
Me: Let go!
Aizawa: No.
Aizawa: Calm down!
My tears fell down as I struggeled to get out of my own fathers grasp. All the villains in front of us went down one by one. This creature which was once a homeless person, I knew was the second to fall and reveal the one below who was I think dead. It looked grotesk and I was kinda scared but it made me stop in my tracks. That was also the only thing that allowed my father to pull me into a hug.
Then there was this teleportation guy, yeah... no. That guy was a goner too. The moment All Might came it was all over and not only him but all the UA staff teachers were there but honestly I couldn'T focus on that at all. I was too busy to moarn for the dead of this creature.
Why did he had to kill you!
I am so sorry!
I should have been here for you!
I... I will make sure to find the others!
I am so sorry for being late!
This is all my fault!
Aizawa: Porblem child?
Nothing. I was too busy to cry in his arms and he was hugging me tightly too. He didn't even know how much this was facing me. This whole thing was just way too close to myself. I felt responsible for the death of all these homeless people who's quirks this one had. I felt responsible for their deaths and it felt bad.
Aizawa: It's not your fault problem chlid.
Me: It is! *sob*
Aizawa: No. This villain is at fault not you.
Me: But...
Aizawa: No. Now relax. We will find them.
Me: He didn't deserve this *sob*
Aizawa: Shhh...
By now I could tell that the heroes were all cleaning up and I couldn't just break down now. Not that this wasn't happening right now but it was enough. I had to stand up and get going. This was how life was. Shit happened sometimes and sometimes it just hated you. Although this was one of these moments where I wished to be dead, this was also a moment I wanted to kill someones.
Aizawa: You knew them?
Me: Yeah...*sob*
Aizawa: One of the perople who went missing?

Parallax (Suicidal Vigilante Deku)
FanfictionNo one has the right to intervene in the life of another person. That was something Izuku knew but ignored soo many times. He wanted to help, and the only way to do so was to become Parallax. A person nonexistent to the world but yet living to help...