Your average breakfast talk

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After that day, I felt so terribly relived and tired. It was the moment I knew everyone was safe and that I found them, that my body gave in to all the tiredness. Thankfully I hold on till everyone got transported to a hospital and me and my father returned back home. It was on the drive home which Tsukauchi gave us a lift, that I fell asleep. 

Tsukauchi: Finally, he can rest too.

Aizawa: Yeah....

Tsukauchi: I am glad we found them.

Aizawa: I am happy some survived.

Tsukauchi: True.

Althought I could hear them talk, I was soon into a deep slumber. I only woke up when my father put me down in my bed. He ruffled my head as he sat right next to me the moment he saw me being awake.

Aizawa: You did well son.


Aizawa: I am proud of you.

Me: ... Dad, did you get injured?

Aizawa: Nothing RG can't heal. Now rest.

He didn't had to tell me that twice since I was really tired. I really really needed sleep. For the past week all I did was worry, train and observe as well as plan. Never did I let myself rest at all. Finally after all that time exhaustion hit me and I just had to give in. My body needed the time to relax. So without even having any choice, I fell asleep there and rested for as much as I needed.

The next time I woke up and went dowstairs, I found Nezu as well as Tsukauchi there. It seemed as if they were waiting for me.

Right now... I hate to see you both here.

That doesn't mean anyhting good at all.

Tho I am glad seeing you here Tsuki but that rat... with you... nah.

I wonder if there is something... Oh wait. The master mind!

It was really not a surprise what would come next. I mean you didn't had to be a genius to know that they wanted to talk about the incident happening, the traitor, the dead villains and the master mind behind it. We all knew who it was the problem was only if we would be able to find him or not.

Me: Morning.

Nezu: Ah morning Izuku.

Tsukauchi: Morning Izu.

Aizawa: Morning, son. Tea?

Me: Mh.

Mic: Here some pancakes that Tsukauchi brought over.

Me: Uuuuhhh thank you.

We all sat there eating together and if anyone else would see us then they would probalby think that we were planning who knows what? I mean when are you ever having the chance of seeing an undergournd hero, a limelight hero, a detetcive, a vigilante and a devil at a table. Right? Never! That is something that seems impossible for a good reason too!

Mic: I am happy this all over now.

Tsukauchi: I wouldn't say that.

Mic: What you mean.

Aizawa: The mastermind behind everything?

Nezu: Indeed. 

Me: All for One?

Nezu: Unfortunately.

Mic: Aw come on! Can't we have some good time just relaxing all together?

We all laughed at my papa's statement. It was a nice meaning and thought but honestly that was impossible. It just looked wrong and sounded wrong too.

Me: Any clue where he is?

Tuskauchi: We won't see him soo soon again.

Nezu: I agree with that. After what happened, he will wait again till the time is right. That is what I would do.

Me: I see.... So I guess it is my turn next to scare him.

Nezu: If you are ready.

Mic: Wait what?

Me: I'll be participating in the sports festival papa.

Mic: Beat the shit out of our classes.

Tsukauchi: Is that really all you have to say?

Mic: Yeah why?

Tsukauchi: You sure are quick to change your mood.

Aizawa: Did you come up with a hero name you want to be called?

Me: Prallax. I will stay Parallax.

Nezu: That remind me. Thanks to what you did and all the preparation for the USJ attack you did, I managed to pressure the hero commission to give you a license.

Me: Does that mean I don't have to be schooled by you anymore?

Nezu: Not as if you needed it in the first place.

Me: True.... but what about our gaming seassions?

Tsukauchi: Gaming?

Aizawa: You are playing with my son while you should teach him something?

Nezu: What should I say? A mouse, bear, dog thing like me needs some form of entertainment too.

Me: Not as if you lost nearly every time.

Nezu: But also won a soo many times.

Me: Hahaha dream on! You can't cound a draw as a win.

Just like that me and Nezu started arguing about our gaming sessions. To be honest, I was supposed to go there and be taught things about being a hero. However the thing was that we started out with that but I soon learned everything there was to know since I already knew the basics and after that I got bored so I challenged the rat for a party of chess. That game was a win on my side and after that we went on too soo many games like poker as well as black Jack, then we went to chess, and other strategy games. It was just fun for us and most of the times we were actually ending in a tie. No one was winning most of the times but if I had to count our wins together than I would have won for sure. This rat was just having a heavy case of denial-itis!

Mic: Back to to the topic!

Me: Mh?

Mic: You will be participating in the sports festival?

Me: Yeah. Didn't Nezu tell you?

Aizawa: No but I already thought this would happen.

Mic: I hope it.

Nezu: I was thinking you might want to tell them.

Me: Oh. Well... I am participating in it.

Tsukauchi: Good luck.

Me: Thanks.

In fact me participating in the game was the last thing I had to do to announce who I was. I would not only show the world that I wasn't a shadow and not affraid to fight and hurt others as well as to step out of my shadow but I was also doing this to scare the villains away. No one in the right mind would actually go and do soemthing stupid while knowing I wasn't a shadow or a rumor anymore. To top that off, I would be allowed to get out patrolling in brought daylight which would make the villains affraid of me a lot more.

That was the ultimate goal and that was the last step I had to take.

Besides I would also announce that class 1A and UA would be now a place where I would create heroes. That was just so that a certain hero killer would deem them all worthy since he was letting me do my job. It was just a rumor I heard but apparently Stain was fond of my district. He was also living there in peace and accepted me as a hero while being a vigilante.

Oh whelp it was a rumor so I couldn't know for sure.

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