It took me a couple of minutes to actually calm down. The shock which is already embedded into my body and the fear of what happened with my mother was just there. No one could change that fact or my past with her at all.
After that small shock as well as Aizawa and Mic actually being there for me and trying everything out to calm me down, the doorbell rang.
Mic: You expecting someone?
Aizawa: *sigh*
Mic: Whelp ama go look.
Aizawa: Mh.
Even if they didn't know who that was, I did. This was certainly Tsukauchi and he was there to bring me my own costume back. Not only that but he would certainly have some other stuffs which belong to me too.
Mic: Ah thanks again for bringing these over.
It wasn't soon after Zashi left the room that he came in with a box and I saw Tsukauchi with another box too, right beside him a cat officer. They all were smiling and it was at this moment that I hated the smile I saw on their faces. That was all because the Skinner had to take me as an example. I was for sure their best and idle victim after all what I went through, who knows who it really is.
Tsukauchi: Nice to see you again Izuku.
Me: Likewise.
Sansa: These are heavy, Nya!
Me: Oh sorry, let me take this one from you.
Mic: Anyone some coffee?
Tsukauchi: I'll help the kid bring these up in the room.
Sansa: Can I have some milk, nya?
Mic: Sure.
It was as Tsukauchi said. Mic put the box down and immediately greated the guest as well offered them something to drink while I took that box and was about to leave the whole party downstairs. I not only needed some space to think but I sure needed a solid plan from now on.
While I was thinking about what happened the day before, I went to my room with Tsukauchi following me. The whole time I didn't say a single word and apparently that was a bit worrysome since Tsukauchi spoke up the second we entered my room.
Tsukauchi: We were called at the side of the pharamcy after the Skinner left.
Me: ...
Tsukauchi: I am sorry Izuku.
Me: You couldn't do anything at all. It was my fault to begin with.
Tsukauchi: What do you mean?
Me: That person was following me from the police station towards the pharmacy. I ran in there searching for cover since I felt someone following me.
Tsukauchi: Shit. If that is right then I'll make sure to get the police officers in place and warn them to let you do your job.
This will definitelly help.
Might as well change the patrolling route for the time being.
If this person is following me, then I can't let them know who I am.
If they knew then it wouldn't only be the pharmacist for sure.
If they want my attention then they would have target the whole street I am patrolling a while ago.
So why now?
What changed?
Is it because I got out of my mothers grasp?
Then is it someone related to my mother?
I might find some hints at my old appartment too.
Anyways, I have to look into this and be careful.
Me: That would be appreciated. For now everyone who is in contact with me could be the next one.
Tsukauchi: Why do you think that?
Me: Deku. That was my name and you wouldn't randomly use that on a person with a quirk.
Tsukauchi: Does this mean you had-
Me: Yes. My mother used to write it with marker and then carved it on my skin once.
Tsukauchi: ...
I saw the detective put a hand above his mouth as to cover his next word but I could still hear his cursing. It was clear that there was a connection. Even if this sounded like a big coincident there was something and no one could deny it. It would be too much of a coincident that I felt someone following me, then saw someone with a mask the other day and Deku written on the skin. No, this was not a coincident. One thing could be, two not so but three and this was for sure planned.
Tsukauchi: What do you intend on doing now?
Me: Go on a hunt.
Tsukauchi: *sigh* I can't stop you, can I?
Me: No. That person will not let me be unless they get me in their hands. It's either I find a way on dealing with them or I make a trap.
Tsukauchi: Whatever you do, be careful and remember that you got a city backing you up.
Me: Mh.
Tsukauchi: The sport bag inside the box with Sansa. I'll get it up right now.
Me: No need for that. I'll do it.
Tsukauchi: Kid, I know it is hard to deal with this but don't take it up on your own. You are not alone.
Me: I know..
Tsukauchi: Inform us whenever you need the police. I put a prepaid phone inside the sport bag. Just call whenever you need us.
Me: Thanks.
Tsukauchi: No need for that.
Once we put the boxes down, we went both downstairs where the heroes and this police officer were talking about the recent event. It turned out that they were also tlaking about the case. No surprise there honestly. This case was after all the most popular and the recent one. Not only that but the villain wasn't caught and there were no hints as of who it was nor the gender or anything.
This villain was planning everything carefull and that made me think about why this person would actually go out of the way to kill the pharmacist. It wasn't planned that much was clear since there were more than just a couple of fighting tracks.
If this is not planned... then they could have left something in place for me to identify them.
It doesn't sound right.
This is soo out of their pattern.
Not that they had one but it something feels off.
I will follow my instincts.
Who knows I might find something important there.
It definitelly feels a lot different from the other cases.
Why would he actually go into a pharmacy and then kill there?
Why not wait for the man to go out and just kidnapp him out of the blue?
Why approach the man?
There are too many questions open.
I'll need a look around for sure!

Parallax (Suicidal Vigilante Deku)
FanfictionNo one has the right to intervene in the life of another person. That was something Izuku knew but ignored soo many times. He wanted to help, and the only way to do so was to become Parallax. A person nonexistent to the world but yet living to help...