I was walking back home and it was really dark. If I could have it my way, I would either be dead by now or far far away from my mother. I really had enough of getting home and getting beaten up. Thankfully I was all healed up now but it wasn't guaranteed that I would end up badly hurt again or even more hurt.
As I was walking down the street, I felt some pair of eyes following or staring at me. Someone was definitelly following me and there was no denying that. I could feel it and the question I had in my mind was if that person was either a hero or a villain.
I knew that the path I had to go was on the partol route of Eraserhead but still I was kinda sure that he wouldn't just stop for a kid that was walking down the streets like that. It was just the middle of the night but still concerning apparently as all of the sudden I felt someone speed walking past me just to stop me from going forward.
People say he looks like a hobo.
I can only agree on it.
He really looks like one.
There was really nothing I could say against this.
His clothing is black.... not dirty or anything.
It's just plain black.
Everyone would say he was a homeless person since his hero costume looked like this.
Tho his scarf is interresting...
It's shiny...
I wonder if it is like metal.
I was thinking about how his scarf could be made out of some metal threats and totally ignoring this hero or that he was talking to me until he waved his hand in front of me.
Eraserhead: Kid?
Me: Huh?
Eraserhead: *sigh* I was asking you why you were out this late.
Me: Ahm.. cause stuff.
Eraserhead: Stuff? Does this stuff contains a bloody bag?
Me: In fact it does.
That was what I thought and stupidly said out loud. Look I was tired and certainly stopped thinking at this point. I wanted to get home, get into my vigilvante costume and then do my patrolling route as well as get home and sleep a bit until I had to get back to school tomorrow and survive another day of bullying again.
Eraserhead: *Sigh*
Me: So ahm is there anything else, Eraserhead-sama?
Eraserhead: How do you know who I am?
Shouldn't I know that?
Is that something people shouldn't know?
Well I do...
Ah I don't care.
I just want to get home and get this day over with.
This is really starting to be a bit... well... weird.
Me: Should I call you Hobo-sama instead?
Eraserhead: No.
Me: Eraserhead-sama it is.
Eraserhead: Back to the question, how do you know who I am?
Me: People know you around this part since you are basically the night-patroll here.
Eraserhead: And how do you know about that?
Shouldn't I know about that?
What should I know about anyways?
I am not supposed to know about you!
I am not supposed to know about your patroll route eventho people can literally see you at night sometimes and there are also some videos going around which are taken down pretty quickly...
Still why exactly shouldn't I know about you again?
It is a good and valid question....
Me: People can see you jump from building to building.
Eraserhead: Kid, no one is awake when I am out.
Valid point there....
I am just awake as Parallax.
I totally forget about this fact.
Now I get why I wasn't supposed to know about you....
Damn it!
Why can't my tired brain work as it should...
Me: Insomniacs do.
Eraserhead: *sigh* You don't look like one.
Me: True that.
Eraserhead: Now what are you doing out on the streets this late.
Me: Walking home?
Eraserhead: Kid that is a questoin not an answer.
Me: It is a bit of both.
Eraserhead: Where do you life, kid?
Me: Why do you want to know that?
Eraserhead: You can barely walk how tired you are.
Me: Eeehhh....
Eraserhead: Not to mention that you are starting to sound like a moody child.
Me: Cause I am.
Eraserhead: *sigh* Just tell me your address. I am getting you there.
Me: Nope. I can walk there myself perfectly fine.
Just like that I started to walk again as I passed the hero and of course it had to be a crossroad and a car was racing down the street which I didn't see thanks to this hobo hero standing in front of me.
In the end if this hero didn't pulled me back the moment he did then I would have been dead for sure. This car was just speeding down this empty street and I would have loved nothing more as to chase this damn driver and scream at him that he should be more careful but there were 2 problems with that.
A) I didn't had a speed quirk. In fact I was quirkless.
B) There was no way I could have gone after this car while having a hero grabbing my collar.
Me: .... Ahm thanks.
Eraserhead: *Sigh* Can walk perfectly fine, huh.
Me: ....
Eraserhead: Lead the way kid.
Me: *Sigh* fine...
Just like that we started walking towards my home and of course there was just quietness between us all the way till I got to the emergency staircase at the back of the building which basically could also get me to the floor I had to be on and if I do it this way I could avoid my mother. Needless to say that I had the key to the appartment and a hero on my side. So I couldn't just go through the front entrance. I had a feeling I would trigger the one alarm system I knew we had installed there. It was a hightech entrance and one could only enter with a code but at the same time the person who lives in that appartment would get notified that their code was used.
So in the end if I would have used it to the front door of the building, my mom would have been notified that I was entering the building. Other than that we all had our own keys as well as once again a digital lock with the same pin just instead of it being 4 it was 8. So there were 4 additional numbers.
Me: So yeah... I live here. Thanks for bringing me home.
Before the hero could have said anything more or seen the bottle laying around on the floor, I quickly went in and shut the door behind me before letting out yet another sigh.
Now all I had to do was pray that I didn't just wake up my mother.

Parallax (Suicidal Vigilante Deku)
FanfictionNo one has the right to intervene in the life of another person. That was something Izuku knew but ignored soo many times. He wanted to help, and the only way to do so was to become Parallax. A person nonexistent to the world but yet living to help...