News article

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When I woke up, the bad feeling didn't left me alone but I knew there was nothing I could do but be vigilant. I had to be careful because it was actually warning me from something. Oh how little did I know what it was and that I would curse my stupid ass for it.

I hate this feeling.

Something is wrong.

But what is it.

Why can't I shake of the feeling as if I did something wrong.


I hate this soo much.

It's as if something is about to happened but also happened.

It's soo hard to describe... so weird.

I didn't had any clue nor did I ever feel this way. This way of a bad feeling was worse than usual and soo different too. It was just hard to descibe it. 

So I got ready and went downstairs to the kitchen and around the kitchen table. That was when I saw it. That was when I also just ripped the newspaper from Aizawa's hand.

Aizawa: Problem child?

He had an eye brow raised at me while I looked at the headline of the news article with wide eyes. I just couldn't believe what it was actually saying.

Break in at a local Pharmacy ended up in a bloodbath

Say what now?

This is!


This is Mr. Fosters pharmacy.

He.. I have to read this!

Is it him or his assitante?

Whoever it is, this one is my fault.

Let's see. 

In the middle of the night around 2 in the morning an unknon person which is knows as the skinner. This is the first time the victim was not only skinned but there skin had a message on it. The victim as known was alive while it was being skinned. Mr. Foster the owner of this pharmacy didn't last long as the battle indicted. The whole pharmacy was covered in blood and the persons heart was on display to the public at the door. This was how a local found out about tihs gruesome act. As of now there is no information from the police but for now it is adviced to stay indoors when the sun goes down. 


This is my fault!

I knew I felt someone wacthing me!

Why did they do this?!

They can't know who I am unless it is someone from the police.

That doesn't make any sense tho.

Was this just coincidence?

Why... No wait!

This isn't just coincidence.

I know someone was looking at me when I moved in here...

Why me tho.

Think Izuku!

Why would a person who never had anything to do with me look out for me now. Especially if it is one who loves to skin people. my skin?

If it is that, then maybe the scars I have?

But why would-

My thoughts stopped working the moment I saw what was actually put on the skin as a message. It were words that were haunting me and the moment I saw them, I just let go of the news paper. There in bold latters was the word "DEKU".

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