Aizawa's POV:
Just seeing a kid with a knife stuck to his chest was giving me shivers. Now seeing these medics try to get the bleeidng to stop as well as carefully look at the knife was another thing. I felt as if I was as white as a paper sheet. This was definitelly my fault. If only I never had let him leave my side at all.
The responsibility for his death would be on my head and I couldn't have that. This kid was too young to die and I wanted to change his situation. It was only right to take this kid in.
Staff 1: Shit!
Staff 2: He is unconscious at least he won't feel the pain anymore.
Staff 1: Worry about the wound more than the pain!
Staff 2: I know but don't you find it weird? I mean he didn't scream at all!
Me: *Sigh* Can you two concentrate?
They both looked at me as I was looking at the childs face. He looked so at easy that it was scaring the shit out of me. No one should be looking this peacful with a damn knife stuck in their chest and what was worst is that this kid was about the age to get into UA and could become something grater.
It was settled. The moment I saw him, I knew I had to change this kids life. A quirkless kid in our society had nearly no chance of survival and now that I had one in front of me which needed help so badly, I couldn't help it but feel for him. I knew the abuse of having a villainous quirk. When no one wanted to look at you but he! He had it much worse.
I couldn't even start to think about what this kid must have gone through. I knew it all based on his own scars. They were not pretty but they were something he had to keep living with.
Staff 2: Rude. We are trying everything we can here!
Staff 1: But he is right. We should stop talking. Now get me something to slow down his heart beat.
Staff 2: Here you go. You think this is a good idea tho?
Staff 1: You want him to bleed out?
Staff 2: No...
Staff 1: Then attach some blood bags to his arm, now.
Staff 2: But what type of blood?
Staff 1: Make a quick test.
Staff 2: Got it.
I knew how bad it looked for him. I had his blood on myself and on my arms. This kid had to be alright for my mental sake. I couldn't and I knew I couldn't live with me if this kid would die. Normally suicidal deaths don't get to me at all. There was a time they did but thanks to Zashi I learned that there was nothing I could have done but that wasn't the case with this kid.
I had him with me. He was in my house and I could have stopped him from escaping. This kid was definitelly suicidal from my view but something changed when he looked at me right at the door.
The way he looked at me was determind as if he didn't wanted to die.
Up until now each and every time I saw him, his eyes were bored and done with life but that was different that time. He definitelly was desperate and he called for help. That was all I needed.
He still has a chance!
I can still change his life!
Problem child, don't die here!
I will be there for you!
I promise!
Don't die here!
It was a promise I made myself. This kid was like my when I was younger. It pained me to see someone just like that. Although I got less bullied and probably also not that much it was a fact that I did harm myself but I got a person that loved me and helped me out. This kid had no one. Not only that but his own mother tried to kill him.
There was no future in his point of view. Heck, I was even sure that he wanted to die just to escape the pain but what has changed in this small time span?
What happened for this kid to change this much and for him to want to live?!
I didn't had an answere to that question but whatever it was, it was something important and I was sure I had to find out in case to protect his happiness when I am already adopting him and taking him in. There was no chance and no place on fooling around with his mental state. That much was sure and I was also sure to protect this guys dream as much as I could.
Staff 1: SHIT! Get me the defibrillator!
Staff 2: NONONONONO Kid Don't die here!
My heart stopped beating the moment I heard the sound of the machine going on. It was a sign that his heart beat just stopped. With all the wounds he had, that was no wonder but it was still bad.
Staff 1: Get away from him.1...2...3...
I watched how theys used the defibrillator on him and the first time nothing happened. They also had to get the knife out of his chest because of that which made him bleed a lot more but it was either that or he would stay dead.
Staff 1: Here we go again... 1...2...3
Another shock and this time the kid's heart beat was back. They immediately attached an oxigen mask on the problem childs face and started to do their best to stop the bleeding. All I could do at this point was pray for his survival while I was watching the boy.
Needless to say that I was scared. He might not be my son but I related too much to him for it not to affect me at all.
Don't die on me!
I finally got you out of there, now don't die on me!
I promise the live you will live from now on will be better!
We hurried as fast we could to the hospital and they got him into a surgery room as soon as we arrived. All I could do was wait in front of it and hope for the better. Still it hurt seeing him like that.

Parallax (Suicidal Vigilante Deku)
FanfictionNo one has the right to intervene in the life of another person. That was something Izuku knew but ignored soo many times. He wanted to help, and the only way to do so was to become Parallax. A person nonexistent to the world but yet living to help...