Boom Boom Pow

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Now that I kinda had offically scared the chimera and also made sure that they would never attend something like this ever again. It wasn't only that but after this very morning, I could actually go to dagobah beach with my papa and gather some materials up just to be in my room and actually sit there and build the smoke bomb I wanted to do now.

Okay this is way better than being pestered by a rat.

Still wonder why he is staying over.

I mean now that he knows there is no use, why stay here..

Ah who cares.

I have a bomb to build.

Okay so if I do this, then I have to be careful as the mixture is a bit explosive.

Yeah easy and steady!

I was holding something I mixed together and knew very well that if I would get something wrong, it could explode on me too. So I really didn't wanted to have any shaky hands or anything at all. The most I wanted was to have this poured into the thing I just build calmly and steadily.

Any hasty movements and it would be over. 

Yeah... No joke.

I was honestly really soo concentrated on it but all of the sudden a scream echoed through the door and the headphones I had on and dropped everything.




The moment I let go of it, I also turned around and jumped over my bed to duck. It was a slower reaction than what I actually thought it would be but the moment it exploded, it exploded pretty damn well. I had smoke everywhere and barely got any air to breath. 

So the moment I saw the smoke, I ran out of the room coughing just to meet Nezu in front of me.

Nezu: Where you building that?

Me: *cough* yeah...

Nezu: What was it supposed to be?

Me: A bomb.

Nezu: ... A bomb?

Me: Yes, you know. I wanted to scare someone I know will be in the hero course.


Whelp not really.

I knew for a fact that Bakugo Katsuki the one bullying me my whole life was actually in the hero course ever after I hacked UA pretty much yesterday. Not only that but I really wanted to pay him back the favor I oved him. Tho it wouldn't be this way.

Hate to say this but I'll make him regret and remember.

This will be the thing he has to live till his end!

He should have been a better man!

Honestly I would say he is a villain and not a hero.


A villain like him is also something I as Parallax don't want to have on the streets...

So better make him a hero and have him in check as well as make him remember!


Sounds way better.

Living with regret... doesn't sound soo bad.

Nezu: Someone you know. May I require their name?

Me: Nope. It is my business Nezu.

Nezu: Very well.

It was at this moment that both of my parents ran up and looked at me and then the smoke behind me. While Aizawa was sighing, Yamada came over and ushered me to the bathroom. Oh boy how I looked! I had the ashes which was a result of the case going off in my hair and my face was a bit red as well as black. 

This was definitelly an allergic reaction. Couldn't have that as Parallax so better try a new mixure out next time. I mean come on! I really don't need my skin being itchy or red or swollen or like that.

Mic: You okay?

Me: Yeah.

Mic: What happened?

Me: Could ask the same.

Mic: What you mean?

Me: Banshee scream?

Mic: Oh...

Me: Mh? Papa what is it?

Mic: Oh it is a cockroach...

Me: Where?

Mic: Outside while I was throwing the waste out.

Me: Oh...

And the scream was this loud?

He really used his quirk didn't he.


Never thought that the hero who has a radio show is scared of bugs.

Whelp good to know.

Mic: And you?

Now that we were alone in the bathroom with the door closed behind us, I decided to tell him the truth. By now I knew how well these doors were and the room was more than just a bit sound proof.

Me (Whispering): Smoke bomb.

Mic (whispering): Why would you do that Izu?

Me (whispering): Work.

Mic (Whispering): I'll get you some from power loader.

Me: Really?

Mic: Mh! He has this crazy girl doing everything anyways. Might as well ask for something the next time I have them.

Me: That would be epic.

Mic: Consider it done.

Me: Thanks!

After this, he cleaned up my face to make sure I was fine and then let me take a shower while he went outside of course. Now with my father outside, I could think abut a lot and honestly getting a bomb from UA wouldn't be that bad expect I had to somehow get rid of the UA logo on it.

Whelp I would certainly find a way to deal with that but first I had to check why it was actually giving me rashes. Now that I was out of the bath, I felt my sin itching a bit and I knew this was the smoke. One of the components I mixed within was definitelly not good at all.

I wonder where it went wrong.

Are the chemicals at fault?

Is it the wrong ratio?

Maybe they are too old?

Probably not the best quality either.

Ah what did I even expect if I am doing a smoke bomb out of junk and thinks I found at home?!

A high grate iteem?



Why did I even day dream that much... lol

I am dumb.

Whelp now I know for sure.

After getting out and having some clean clothes on, Nezu as well as Dad decided to call RG over who looked at me and was immediately concerned. She found out that this was no surprise a skin reaction to something I was allergic or something like that. Let's not focus on the part that it was poisonous and everyone would have reacted like me... or my skin.

On that matter, I got healed and then actually told to never build a thing at all. And gone was my room which was contaminated. Now I had a room right next to Nezu... At least my Parallax clothes in a sport bag were not affected since they were placed in a box as well. Gotta be carefull with Nezu around after all.

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