No one has the right to intervene in the life of another person. That was something Izuku knew but ignored soo many times. He wanted to help, and the only way to do so was to become Parallax. A person nonexistent to the world but yet living to help...
I was shit tired thanks to getting a not as much sleep as I am used too. Habbit changes and so did mine since I now could basically be Parallax without fearing the consequence of it anymore. That also meant that for the past coupld of weeks, I got drunk on sleep and now I was missing it too.
Needless to say that when I got into the classroom, I screamed at everyone to shut up. Today was not my day for sure.
Me: Sorry.... I didn't intended to scream.
Bakugo: You look like shit nerd.
Shoto: As rude as this is, you really look as if you didn't get enough sleep.
Momo: Yeah.
Mina: How about sleep this class off?
Me: Nah, I am fine.
Denki: You sure?
Me: Yeah. I got some news to announce anyways.
Tenya: You should sit out and be like Aizawa-sensei for once.
Me: You are soo sweet but I really don't need rest right now.
Bakugo: Fu-
Once again that stupid Dandelion decided to use his quirk as well as curse at me. I've been tolerating this from time to time but I am also sick of it so the moment he wanted to say fuck and used his quirk on the table, I jucked the attention book at his head once again.
Me: Shut up Dandelion.
They all looked at Bakugo as if that idiot deserved it and never learns anything. They were not wrong tho with that assumption. I really didn't know how many times I already chucked that thing at him by now.
Me: Now for the announcement. We are all going to the USJ building.
Denki: Universal studio Japan, let's goo.
Mina: Finally some fun!
Me: *sigh*
Uraraka: You sound like Aizawa.
Me: Why is everyone telling me that?
Jiro: haha cause it's true.
Me: *sigh* not the point here....
Sero: If it's not there than where are we going?
Me: That was what I wanted to show you.
I had the blueprints of that building because earlier before I got into class, I went to Nezu to get this information. He was rather tame and just gave them to me including tea and no words. Thank god I didn't had to explain myself why everyone knew he was in an onesie. If words spread out even more, who knows what that Chimera would do.
So before anyone could put some dumb question into the room, I decided to plug the USB dirve into the small computer at the teachers desk and have the projector put the USJ building inner layout on the table. It was important for people to know what we were about to do there.
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Me: Okay heads up. This is the USJ building. USJ stands for Unforeseen Simulation Joint. It is supposed to help heroes grow stronger. As it stands now, this class will be the very first one going in there after it opens up.
Tsu: Wow, so we are supposed to train there? *ribbit*
Me: Exactly, now I want you all to think what kind of training we will do there?
Shoto: Rescrue work.
Me: Mh! Not only that but I will also split you in groups of villains and heroes.
Mineta: Why that?
Me: Because where there is a catastrophy there is most likely a villain around. You will not only need to rescrue but also protect.
Koda: Will there be civilians?
Me: Not in terms of strangers but in term of a group. Yes.
Hagakure: So this will be like reality?
Me: Yes.
Uraraka: That is soo cool.
Ejiro: Yes, bro!
Me: I want you all to get prepared for the life after school as fast as possible.
Sero: We still have 3 years tho.
Me: No. The moment you all decided to become heroes you got on the hit list of villains. You really think villains won't target heroes in training? Why so?
It was something not many people were actually aware of or liked to think about at all. However it was the truth. Why should villains who fight the heroes stop with heroes and not target heroes in training? That didn't make any sense at all. As of now, they are only lucky no one attacked them so far but I want them to be prepared for everything. That is what a good hero makes.
Me: I want you all to realise that there is absulutelly nothing that is protecting you all right now. You are heroes in training who will be herores one day. You will be their opponents before time passes. That also means you all have to be ready at any given moment.
Class 1A: Yes Sir.
Me: CUT IT WITH THE SIR! *sigh* Now then let me introduce the specific areas.
Just like that I started telling them about the ares of the USJ building. They were quite well designed and also challanging for herores. It was the perfect training place for these kids. I knew that damn well and so I was happy to have made that deal with Nezu.
Now all that was left was make sure they were ready for the USJ building. Every one of them worked soo hard till now and I could tell they were pushing each other by now. With each passing class I could see less and less errors which they are doing. Not only did they now know how to fight quirklessly but they also knew how to deal with weapons. I made sure thes knew that.
A hero is only as good as their support iteem.
Not only that but what is a hero good for if there were still bullets. I knew it was a weapon rarely used in crimes ever after the downfall of gernation Z but they were still as dangerous as perbfore. This was how I insisted that each one of them had experience using guns and asked Snipe to teach them a bit about it too.
They were ready for anything and it was necessary.
I am somewhat proud of them.
They really are working hard for their dream.
They are good heroes.
I am happy I got to know them.
At least they won't get killed now.
Way too many heroes are getting killed.... They are mostly inexpereinced and weak.
I kinda understand why Stain is doing all his work.