My lucky visit

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So through the rest of the ride eventho it was a short ride, they started telling me how cool and good of a kid I was. Then they went on with what respect they had for me for being quirkless and alive and that they were the weird guys and not me since the Generation X had no quirks and so on. I knew what they wanted to try to do but it didn't worked out for me. I knew the truth. I was useless and that was it.

Why even bother and try?

I know I am useless...

Why are they even trying?

Staff 2: Oh we are here. Can you stand?

Staff 1: Why are you even asking? Get the wheelchair.

Me: I really do-

Staff 1: You say nothing and you get the wheelchair.

Me: But I-

Staff 1: No. You shown us enough that whatever you say even if it is the truth isn't accurate.

Staff 2: I agree with this. I'll set it up immediately.

Just like that the second staff which was rather talkative went to find a wheelchair for me. Aizawa just watched this. He was definitelly just watching this. I could tell he was however watching me and studying my every move. It was weird and I hated the eyes on me but there was nothing I could do against this. I made him worry and this one was on me. There was for sure nothing I could do.

Me: *sigh*

Aizawa: Problem child, no sighing for you.

Me: *even bigger sigh*

Aizawa: What did I just say?

Me: I get it, I get it.

Staff 1: It's okay. You don't have to fear anything. Nothing bad will happen here.

Me: ...

I want to sigh but Eraserhead just said no sighing...

I don't want to be here...

It didn't take long for the second staff member to come back with a wheelchair and they made sure I would sit in it before basically driving me around the place to this one doctor they said I had to go to because of all my scars. Whelp, it was one hell of a ride for sure because I tried to stand up but each time I got seated back and in the end Eraserhead decided to use his scarf and bind me to the damn wheelchair which I didn't really liked.

Well whatever. It wasn't as if I could change anything and so when we arrived, the doctor looked at the 4 of us and was quite amused.

Doctor: Wow... you two never cese to amaze me...

Staff 2: Oh come on, he is quirkless we had to do that!

Doctor: You starting to abduct quirkless people now? Not that people with a villainous and weak quirk were enough for you.

Staf 1: *sigh* What are you doing?

Doctor: Don't get me started on you.

Staff 2: Now what are you doing?

Aizawa: *sigh* Can we get this over with?

Me: I agree and can you please let me go of that scarf now?

Aizawa: *sigh* 

Before he let me go of that wheelchair, he made sure that we would get into the room and locked the door. It wasn't really necessary since if I wanted to I could still use the window for an escape. It wouldn't be the first time that I used that method to escape anyways. Besides I was willing to take the risk.

Doctor: Okay so where are you hurt?

Me: I don't feel any pain.

Aizawa: *sigh*

Staff 2: He got chocked by a sludge from the report.

Staff 1: He was also breathing a bit unusally.

Staff 2: We found a lot of scars on him.

Staff 1: And he i-

Doctor: I haven't asked you two circus clowns. Now shut it and get your way. You still have work to do.

Staff 2: What a meany.

Staff 1: He is right tho, come on. Let's go back to work and all the best to you kiddo.

Staff 2: Mh!

Just like that it was just the 3 of us left in the room. Aizawa was definitelly not about to move, no matter how much this doctor glared at him. It was after a good 5 minutes of glare and silence that this doctor finally decided to take me serious. I didn't wanted it and hoped to just be able to escape the moment these two staff members of the ambulance would go but nooo.

Me: So can I go now?

Doctor: No. I would like to see these scars.

Me: I am really f-

Doctor: Fine? Yeah not gonna work on me. Now open up and show me your upper body.

Me: No, please I am real-

Doctor: Nope. I don't take that. It's either you do it on your own or I help you out.

Me: ... I'll do it.

Thankfully I was wearing a non sleave shirt below so that when I got rid of the first layer, this doctor could see my arms. He looked quite shocked to see how far up the scars went and that was when he started to pick my shirt. 

Me: I am go-

Aizawa: *sigh* Just do what the doctor said.

Me: But-

Now before I could say another but, this doctor whent ahead and just grabbed the shirt and pulled it up which made my back visible to the hero who immediately gasped. I could hear it and the doctor as well. It was enough for the doctor to hold the shirt up and walk around to then also gasp.

Me on the other hand... well I kinda froze. This situation was too much for me to handle as I never wanted anyone to find out about these scars. They were scars that clearly showed what was happening at home. These scars were made form various weapons and it was them that showed what I went through.

Oh no...


This is bad!

They will send me to an ophanage away from everything!

I can't!

I just can't go to an orphanage!

I can't deal with more abuse!

I can't take this anymore!

As I thought that, I turned around and managed to get out of the doctors grip. Now I might have looked like a deer caught in some car light to them but I was more than that. Panic started spreading all over my body and I started backing away towards the table.

Doctor: Kid, it's okay. No one is goona hurt you. Calm down.

Aizawa: Problem Child, breathe.

Me: ...

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