Now or never. That was the saying we were going forward with. Me, Tsu, Tokoyami as well as Shoji were one team. There was nothing that could stop us with how I put us together. First off I had Tokoyami , and Shoji on the side and Tsu in the middle. I was on top of everyone. The reason behind this was fairly simple.
Shoji was the guy who could make his tentacle like arms to ears as well as mouths and other stuff. Now I had him be my ears. This was honestly just chaos in an arena and I couldn't concentrate on everything so I had Shoji be my ears.
Tsu had a great frog like quirk. I mean her jumping power was great but I had her in the front for another reason. Her tongue was the thing that could catch me if I was about to fall which could happen. There were anough reaons of why I could fall and if I was about to fall then Tsu as well as Shoji or Tokoyami could make sure that I wouldn't fall.
Tokoyami had Dark Shadow and that meant one more person in my group. Besides that I could need someone watching our back and Tokoyami's quirk wasn't dumb as much as I could tell. That quirk could help us out soo much and it was quite the game changer as well.
They were al great team members to make it short.
Let's do this!
Now the thing is...
If everything goes according to how I am seeing things, then that means that the support course would be eliminated as well as a great amount of the bratty gen ed class.
Come to think of it, I could eliminate class 1B as well...
Let's go!
I screamed that out in the open field of this arena and had instantly class 1A gather around. Yes we were about to hunt each team down from north, south, west and east. That was the big plan anyways. Now all I had to do was survive and make sure my class would get through too. I mean this little vigilante wanted to had his fun as well.
Finally it began!
Come on now!
There is no running away!
Mic: It seems as if class 1A is joining forces. Is that even allowed?
Nezu: HAHAHAHAHAHA he is using a loop hole! Nothing I didn't expect from my student.
Mic: You making everyone scared now....
Aizawa: *sigh* If the others can't get through this it is their own fault.
Not gonna lie. It felt good hearing Nezu's laugh and what my father said as well. This was just all telling everyone that I was not to underestimated at all since I never showed any quirk the whole time. I was sure by now that people were curious about me but the thing was... I already am a full fledged hero and there was nothing they could do. I got my lycense and all thanks to USJ event as well as blackmailing. There was no doubt in my mind that Tsukauchi, my fathers as well as Nezu joined forces in this.
Oh look!
These are the bastards who thought they could beat class 1A!!!
They are from the gen ed course.
I am sure by now that they will join forces with others as well.
Good luck with that.
I trained class 1A personally.
There is no way you guys can beat this class!
Me: Tokoyami to your right!
Tokoyami: Got it.
Me: We are going after them.
My team: Yes Sir.
Just like that we started to close the distance between our teams and I was ready to beat theri asses. Thankfully this was fairly easy. They didn't even see us coming at all. It was quite fun to see them fall to the ground after I whacked the top persons head grabbing the points bandage from them. After that it was Dark Shadow who made them fall to the ground and we went towards the next group.
Easy peasy!
This is going better than planned.
Maybe I didn't even need to create the teams at all..
Oh well!
Better safe than sorry!
I still want to beat this class bit by bit.
My team wasn't the only one going after other team members whithout anay mercy at all. I saw Bakugo blasting someone away and laughing his ass off. What did I expect out of that psychopath of a terrorist anyways? I was just glad that he was kindhearted but an absolute asshole at some times. He was getting better tho. So it was something and after 3 years of time, I was sure to change his perspective as well as personality a bit.
Then I could also see Momo who created a staff to hit people. It was effective but the way her team seemed to have soo much fun was a bit concerning. Still she was doing great and that was the importance.
Even Shoto's team was doing great. I didn't know what I was expecting from him and his team but certainly not him sitting there and letting his team members work for him. It was funny, yes but not the point. Of course I saw him also use his ice side but never the fire side. Oh I was soo excited to face him hopefully in the next round.
I didn't know what the next round was about but I had a hunch that at some point we would have to face each other.
Tenya's team was quite fun to watch as well since Uraraka made everyone float and Tenya was running around beating the groups. Really creative and also what they needed. Thinking outside the box was a key element.
Let's focus on my team as well!
Just like that I went on and on hunting one group after another while I had the others protecting me. It was not hard at all and at the end only our 4 groups from class 1A were standing. Of course my team had the biggest win since our starting points were quite high. After us, Tenya's team actually ranked. After that Bakugo followed by Shoto and the last group was Momo's. No matter how you saw it, we were all successfully in the next round and displayed more than just great teamwork.

Parallax (Suicidal Vigilante Deku)
FanfictionNo one has the right to intervene in the life of another person. That was something Izuku knew but ignored soo many times. He wanted to help, and the only way to do so was to become Parallax. A person nonexistent to the world but yet living to help...