A bad feeling...

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It was in the morning right after that horrible event when I remembered that problem child. Something about him was just not letting me be. He seemed in trouble and I wanted to help him out. Me and Zashi were looking for a kid and I knew this would be a lot of work but I just couldn't live with myself if I would let go of that kid now. 

Zashi: What are you thinking Sho?

I was at home since I got home at 5 and went to bed for 2 hours. It took us 2 hours to make sure everyone was save and put that damn fire out too. It was just stupid and to top that off, I had Tsukauchi tell me that they found the villains responsible for it and that they handed themselves in basically on their own or rather one was dragging the other one. 

For some reasons I couldn't think of any other reasons then this vigilante doing something and being the reasons for that.

Well he wasn't on the wanted list by the police and from the looks of it, he was also just a small vigilante which we tend to overlook most of the times because they were just helping out. Still it was a bit weird and how he told me that they turned themselves in.

Me: About the fire... It's just weird.

Zashi: True.... How about that kid tho?

Me: No. I didn't see him.

Zashi: Did you check his home?

Me: He wasn't there when I was there.

Zashi: Sho what if he went there now?! I have a bad feeling.

Me: Same here. Get me a coffe and I'll go and check on him.

Zashi: Sho, can we keep him?

Me: If he wants it.

That was all I said before he gave me my coffee however the more time passed the worse I felt and I knew that something was up since that feeling was always there when I would find something bad. Since all I wanted to do was look and check up on the kid, that meant that something was up with him.

I worked hard and long enough to know when something was up and this time was no different. So before Zashi could have even came back with the coffe for me, I already had my phone in my hand and called Tsukuachi.

Tsukauchi: Yes Shota what can I do for you today?

Me: Get to this address.

Tsukauchi: Something I should know?

Me: Child abuse and possible child torture.

Tsukauchi: I am on my ways. Shoudl I inform the ambulance before hand?

Me: Yes. 

Tsukauchi: How are you always finding such children?

Me: Just do it! I am on my way there.

That was all I said before I put the phone away. It was at that moment that Zashi came back with the coffe and leaned against the door looking at me.

Zashi: You feel it too huh.

Me: Yes.

Zashi: I hope he is fine.

Me: Same.

Zashi: Well I'll keep the coffee in the kitchen and call me if you need help.

Me: Will do.

He smiled at me before I left the house. I really felt bad about this and all I could think about was this child. I knew how hard it was having a villainous quirk but this kid had no quirk at all. I just had to get my hands on this child and save him. The eyes and the look he gave me told me everything. It was not something a child of his age should have. He went through much and lost hope and the will to fight. That was what I got from them.

So without even wasting any time, I went right to his house. It was only there that I meet Tsukauchi and the ambulance team which was the two idiots I was with the child last time. At least they were skilled and not against a quirkless kid was what I thought. 

Tsukauchi: Which room?

Me: Just follow me.

Staff 1: Should we stay here on standby or should we come with you?

Me: I'll bring him down.

Staff 2: Please tell me it's not that green haired cute kid!

Staff 1: That would be too much of a coincidence.

Me: *sigh*

If you only knew...

Tsukauchi: What kid?

Me: You'll see him in a bit.

That was all I said before going up the stairs and it was right there that we could hear some screaming when we got in front of the door.

Tsukauchi: Get back, I'll break the door down!

Me: No need for that, I'll do it!

I was ready to break the door down and get inside to save this child. Whatever was happening inside didn't sounded good and we had to act quickly but all of the sudden, we could hear some ratteling sound.

It was right there and then that I froze. What happened next send shivers down my spine. Never did I ever encounter something like that and I was sure I wasn't the only one who felt like this. What we saw was something straight out of a horror movie. This was not something that should have happened. 

Tsukauchi (whispering): Oh shit....

I could hear gasping behind me but that wasn't important right now. There was something else I had to do and so I focused on what was right in front of me. Still it was something I never thought I would see in all the years I am a pro. 

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