Just a quick stroll around

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This guy really didn't expect me to get back home now did he really? I had to just check up on the one street I was always taking care off. It was also on the way back with a detour anyways. Might as well go and check if everything is alright.

I wonder if they are okay now...

I was out soo long.

I don't think that my body is ready to fight yet.

I mean I can for sure set some punches and also deal out a bit as well as take in but my muscles are a bit out of shape.

My speed wouldn't be the same.

Still if that meant to actually save these people then so be it.

I should be here soon.

Let's see if it is as quite as it should be.

I had my hood around my head while I was a bit speed walking on the streets. It was late and I for sure didn't wanted to have a run in with any hero at all especially not Eraserhead tonight. Police wouldn't for sure be better. Now that I knew that my costume and my secret is safe I would have hoped that everything was fine but why did I feel as if someone was following me?

Something is wrong.

I can't hear another pair of footsteps but I definitelly feel as if someone is watching me.

From where tho?

I don't like this.

As I started to look around, I couldn't find anyone. I still felt being watched and this feeling was actually sending shivers down my spinde. It wasn't a good one but I had to get going. The worst thing I could do now was actually stay in place and don't move at all.

I have to keep going!

Maybe a light jog?

A run?!

Let's run for a bit!

I don't like this feeling one bit!

Since my own gut was telling me to run, I decided to book it as fast as I could. I ran and ran until my lungs started burning and I arrived at the street I was always patrolling in the night. It was only then that I stopped being followed. Instead now I could hear some footsteps in the streets. They were light and showed me that the person was defnintelly skilled in hiding. Question was only who were these footsteps belonging too and did I wanted to find that out?

Who is this?!

Why is someone following me in the night....

Wait that person..

Could it be?!

Where do I go now tho?

The pharmacy!

It should be still open if I remember right.

It may be late but this pharmacy was nearly always open and so when I was walking down the street in a bit of hurry, I found it open again. Since every other shop was closed and I didn't had any weapon with me, I decided to dip it there. Like for real. This could have been Eraserhead for all I know.

So when I entered the pharmacy I was actually not expecting anything but I was instantly greeted.

Mr. Foster: Good even- Parallax is that you?

Me: Mh. Sorry for the late crash in.

Mr. Foster: Don't worry about it child. Where have you been?

Me: I.. Well I needed some time alone.

Mr. Foster: Did you get hurt again?

Me: ...

Mr. Foster: Did your paretns or anyone hurt you, I mean torture you. Kid you have to tell the police that.

Me: It's over now.

Mr. Foster: So you in an orphanage now?

Me: No. A hero took me in.

Mr. Foster: Which hero.

Me: Eraserhead.

Mr. Foster: Never heard of them.

Me: Present Mic.

Mr. Foster: Wait you go adopted by that hero?

Me: Mh.

Mr. Foster: I am happy for you that is what I want to say but honestly I am more concerned about your hearing.

Me: It's fine. He isn't that loud at home.

Mr. Foster: Nice to see you got a safe home now kid. You don't have your costume on. Something the matter?

Me: No.

He might know about this.

I can defnitelly felt someone watching me.

Is it someone who is watching everyone or is it a new villain?

He really might know. 

Me: actually.. Can I ask you something?

Mr. Foster: Sure.

Me: Did anything happen around here recently?

Mr. Foster: No. Why?

Me: Just checking.

So he doesn't know...

I wonder who that was.

Mr. Foster: Anyways how are you and what in the world are you doing so late out without your costume? It's dangerous for a kid not to mention a vigilante.

Me: Oh I was on my way back home after taking a stroll.

Mr. Foster: .... Why are you here?

Me: I wanted to say hi?

Mr. Foster: Kid, I know when I see a lie and you came in panting. You definitelly were running. So what's up?

Me: None of your concern. I was just running because my new father is a hero who works in the night.

Mr. Foster: Oh.. well that can be a bit problematic.

Me: Tell me something new. But you really sure there is nothing strange going around while I was out of commission?

Mr. Foster: Nothing changed. The police increased around here but the crime rate is still as low as it was when you started to watch over us. Which we still are thankfull for.

Me: No problem oh and stay safe!

That was all I said before I got out. If only I had listened to my gut feeling and stayed there. If only I wouldn't have ran inside there, maybe it wouldn't have been the last time I would have seen Mr. Foster. 

I knew something was wrong and I still ignored it. It was my fault and I should have checked the surrounding out but instead I ran back home to get in my soft bed before Eraserhead would come home and check up on me.

Oh how things could change all so suddenly.

It was crazy and I didn't even wanted to think about it at all.

This would however be an eye opened for me. 

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