Finally it was time for the second event. I was a bit exited and hoped it would be more challanging the first one. Little did I expect that it was a group excercise. Like a group of 3 people and thanks to me winning the last round, I had a banner with way too much worth of points for this escercise.
Why am I sure that Nezu wants to pay me back?
This feels like his revenge on me a bit....
I hate this...
Think positive!
Someone will work with you for sure.
I mean it's not as if you are the red dot on a targing practice area...
Yeah no.
Who am I kidding?
I have a huge red mark on my back.
It was ever after this was announced, that me and the class went out. Now the moment we were out in the arena, I felt the eyes of everyone on me. This was definitelly not a situation I wanted to be in. Now thing was, this was a group even and I had to find a group for sure.
You think it is easy to find someone if you had such a mark on you?
Yeah no... but somehow this was such a weird situation.
Bakugo: Damn Nerd work with me.
Excuse me?!
I am not working for a freaking Dandelion like yourself!
Yeah no chance that I will do that!
And who even said I have to do this with you?!
Me: You learn how to ask first.
Shoto: Sir, please work with me.
At least this one can ask nicely...
But why you think I will work with anyone of you?
Like any?
Why the hell?
Mina: No, he is working with us!
Denki: Yeah!
Ejiro: Leave or fourth bro alone!
If anthing I will be the first!
Who do you think you are that I will be the fourth?
Momo: Excuse me?! He is working with us!
Jiro: Yeah.
Normally people wouldn't start to go around me and fight for me after knowing that the team I am in will be the main target but who knows this was somewhat different as well as nice. Not that it would keep me down from winning this round. In my opinion they knew this damn well and didn't wanted to be my targets.
Who would have thought this would happen.
I wonder who I should work with....
This is an event where I want class 1A to get through...
Oh I know.
Me: Guys?
Now after ignoring me, I called out a couple more times until I screamed into the crowed. It was only by then that they shut up and looked at me. Finally I got their attention and they were definitelly careful as well as vary of me now. Who knows what I would do after screaming at them to shut up like what I did.
Me: Look, all of you have to get through this.
Nodding heads was what I got as replies. That was enough for me anyways.
Me: That also means that this class is as weak as the weakest link.
Bakugo: So you saying you will go with the weakest of our class?
Me: Yes. Tokoyami, you and Tsu.
Mina: But that are only 2.
Me: I wasn't done talking. Since I am one of the powerhouse in our class, I won't go with Shoto or Katsuki here as well as you Momo. You guys have to be the top and lead the groups.
Momo: Alright.
Shoto: Yes, Sir.
Katsuki: Fuck.
Me: Ejiro, you Denki and Mina with Katsuki. This will even out your weaknesses.
Group 1: Got it.
Bakugo: Tsk.
Me: Momo you get Jiro, Koda and Sato.
Group 2: Yes Sir!
Me: Now Shoto, you go with Sero, Ojiro and Aoyama.
Group 3: Yes Sir!
Me: Iida, you get Mineta, Hagakure and Ochaco.
Group 4: Yes Sir.
Me: Shoji, you are in my team as well.
Shoji: Alright.
Me: Now the rules didn't stated for us not to be able to work together at all. It only said that the group points are counted at the end of this round. No one said we are not allowed to group together and eliminate other teams.
It was the moment I said that, that I could see them having this Eureka moment of their life. What I was saying was simple and there was really no need to be more blunt then wat I alreay was.
I am sure they got what I mean.
Oh look at how they look now.
These smiles...
The other groups are done for, for sure!
Nezu, you wanted to see me go down huh?
Guess what?
This game is going towards my will.
Nothing you do will change this!
Tenya: You heard our Sensei! No holding back!
Class 1A: YES!
They all seemed odly pumped up once again after sticking with me and fight for the roles. Oh well, it wasn't as if I didn't get them at all. Who wouldn't want to make sure that their team wins, especially not to face me. I mean I trained with them and I bet all of them before. There wasn't a single excercise when they managed to beat me at all. So of course they were trying to side with me and not be against me.
Poor other classes tho.
They won't know what is about to happen.
I am pitting them a bit.
Just a bit.
This is Nezu's fault after all.
This class was dangerous and in some eyes they may look even dangerous by now but who cared at all. It was their chance to get into the top of the list and not be eliminated. No one could blame them for this anyways.

Parallax (Suicidal Vigilante Deku)
FanfictionNo one has the right to intervene in the life of another person. That was something Izuku knew but ignored soo many times. He wanted to help, and the only way to do so was to become Parallax. A person nonexistent to the world but yet living to help...