I was panicking and didn't quite know what to do so I stumbeled right after I locked the door. The knife wound and the pain was getting to me. It was very deep thrusted into my chest and my hands were shaking as I sank down right by the door which lead to that room.
Banging was all I could hear since that room was sound proof. Still it was worryingly enough to know my mother was in there and ready to kill me.
I have to move!
I have to keep going!
I have to!
All of the sudden the banging sounded a bit different and I could feel the vibration coming from the door. It was a sign that she just used the axe or anything else on the door and was ready to shred it to pieces.
Me: ... no... enough... please...
Panick was already in my system but still there was fear and a will to live. It was that will that just saved me but I knew with how much blood I was losing that it was only a matter of time till I would black out.
Get your shit together IZUKU!
I've gone through worse!
I fought villlain with quirks who were after me!
I can do this!
The small motivations speech that I held was enough for me to stand up shakely and try to run to the door. I was panicking more than I liked and just like that I ran across the shards on the floor not even being carefull at all. There was no reason to be careful. Time was ticking and I had to do the most out of it.
This was how I managed to get to the front door while I heard some screaming behind me.
I am done for!
I have to get out!
Right as I was at the front door, I stumbled to my next bigger challenge. The whole door was locked and I had to get the key from right beside me and unlock everything with the shaky hands I had.
My mother broke the door down and I could hear her stomping as I tried to rush myself. It was just a matter of minutes till she would be right in front of me.
Come on!
Come on!
It took me a bit to open up the door but the moment I did, I heard her scream from behind me. That made me turn around.
Without even realizing anything, I just went ahead not looking for anything and nearly crashed into someone if a pair of hands didn't stop me by the shoulders. That made me turn back and look at the black clothing right in front of me.
Was I still basically naked besides my boxers?
Yes and I was bloody and had a freaking knife stuck deep into my chest.
Me: Help!
Aizawa: WHAT THE-
I looked at the man and I could tell how exhausted I was. My breathing was hitched and I hated to say this but I fell on my knees the moment I felt relieve rush over my body. All the tension left my body and I saw the heroes eyes go wide open before catching me.
Aizawa: SHIT! Hang in there problem child!
Me: Thanks...
How did you even know I was here....
How did you know I needed help?
I am glad you are here...
I need to stay awake!
Mother: Let my son go!
Tsukauchi: You have no right calling him your son!
It was only now that I actually saw that Eraserhead wasn't alone there. The police officers went right past us as he was holding me in a princess style and hurrying downstairs from the appartment building. I couldn't believe that he was there. It didn't made much sense to me but right now I had bigger problems.
The wound was hurting a lot and since I was panicked, I ran as well and had to excercise my body till I got to the door agrrivating all the wounds I already had.
Aizawa: You will survive problem child. Trust me.
There was panick in his eyes and his voice was shaking. I felt his arms were shaking too. This hero was loosing his cool and that was something that was never a good sign. I must have looked terrible.
No wonder. I mean I was basically a kid with a damn knife at his chest. There was nothing stranger than that but me actually still being awake when I should have fainted till now. The pain was too much for me but I already felt numb. It was all due to the panick and the anxiety that I lost all senses in my body.
Me: I am fine.
I wanted to somehow make the hero feel better and without thinking, I reached up to his face to put a stand of hair away and tell him that I was okay. Too bad that what I just did gave him the opposit empression. He looked at me panicked and rushed out of the building.
To my surprise there was already an ambulance waiting there for me.
You knew something was about to happen....
Is this the so called red flagges?
Is this maybe destiny...
No... I don't believe in this.
Maybe it's just his gut feeling when he saw me...
That must be it.
The moment he layed me down in the ambulance, I saw the two people which already once did get me after the sludge attack.
Staff 1: Don't question that now! Give him anestetic you idiot!
Staff 2: I am already! You try controll the bleeding. I don't want a dead kid here when we could save him.
I was already tired and the last thing I remember was them actually giving me something and Aizawa grabbing my hand and give me a squeeze. He didn't let go tho, no, he did hold on and for some reason it felt nice and reasuring. Of course I believed his words and trusted him completly. I wasn't one to give up the fight for my own life after realizing how much I loved being Parallax and how much it was stuck with me.

Parallax (Suicidal Vigilante Deku)
FanfictionNo one has the right to intervene in the life of another person. That was something Izuku knew but ignored soo many times. He wanted to help, and the only way to do so was to become Parallax. A person nonexistent to the world but yet living to help...