Training the class was one thing but training with my dad was something entirely different. Although I enjoyed it a lot, I also came to the conclusion to hate it. How do I say... Dadzawa was a bit motivated to get me on the ground or captured in his scarf which didn't worked at all. Not a single time did he get me. Instead I got him... Yeah funny story. Also took hours to get him out of his scarf.
He may have been proud but I found it annoying to try to get him out of the scarf especially when he was starting to run out of patients. Yeah no thanks. I don't need that again.
Still I finally managed to get into the support course and have the whole room for myself so I could test out some new things which I would for sure use at the sports festival. Let's just say I was more than ready.
The days quickly passed and the day of the sports festival came. This time I was really not going for class 1A and I wasn't part of Mic's class. In fact I was part of class 1N.... N as in Nezu. This was a class on its own for people like me. To say it in otherwords. This class was created for me and me alone.
Nevertheless I was together with class 1A in the same changing room. I knew they were more than ready as well.
I wonder what the whole commosion outside is?
Is that Bakugo?
Am I hearing right....
Is that Tenya's voice too?
What's going on?
Up until now I was quietly sitting in a corner where I was actually meditating and stretching. Some of the class people were joining me but all of the sudden it started to get loud and that was when looked at the door wondering what was happening. Whelp that was really until I head Tenya's voice and he snapped at someone.
Me: Be right back.
With that I went to the door and the moment I opened it, Shoto came tumbeling my way.
Me: Wow, careful there.
I caught him in the nick of time before helping him back up and seeing some people in the hallway. They didn't seem like class 1B students but I couldn't tell who they are.
Bakugo: FUCK OFF!
Bakugo: ....
Now going in front of my group it was quite clear to me what was going on. There was really nothing else then revilry here. Still I didn't liked it at all.
Me: May I ask who you are.
Bakugo: You are screwed.
Me: Shush it Pomeranian!
???: Akira Gen ed course.
???: Tomoe Also gen ed course and you greenie?
Me: Izuku Midoriya, Class 1N.
Akira: 1N doesn't even exist.
Me: Oh it does.
Tomoe: What class is that supposed to be?
Me: The one Nezu is in charge off.
The moment I said that, they looked at each other and sweet dropped for sure. No one was talking about Nezu that casually but me. I mean he was a devil but I myself was a even bigger devil. So yeah, I could stand opposit to Nezu and my chances of winning were not that bad. With that knowledge and all my experience from being Parallax, told me that these kids were just trying to mess with class 1A if not get the biggest competitors disqualified since fights between us not in the stadium are forbidden.
Me: Tenya, get everyone inside.
I can't believe they are bold enough to do this.
Who do they think they are!
Oh yeah wait a moment.
My papa is in charge of their class.
It was that one moment when I remembered that, that my cheshire smile was showing and if they were not scared of me till now, then they probably are now. Without even much of thinking, I pulled my phone up and called my papa and put him on speaker.
Mic: Hey little listener what's up?
Me: Say, are Tomoe and Akira your students.
Mic: How did yo- what did they do to you?
Me: Oh they are trying to get some of class 1A students expelled and causing a ruckus in front of the resting room.
Mic: I am on my way.
Akira: No, need Sir.
Tomoe: Yeah! We are leaving now!
With that my papa put down the line and I looked at the kids with a devilish smile. Yeah they wanted to actually mess with class 1A but they definitelly didn't think I would be there.
Me: You better start running back to your own holes of doom... by the way get ready to be destroyed out there!
That was really all I had to say to them while they were running away from me. Yeah I might have gone over board but I kinda got annoyed by their attitude. So once I got back to the my own rest room, I looked at the students inside who were all watching me.
Why are they looking at me?
Do I have something on my fac-
My smile....
Damn it.
Whelp I can as well as motivate them now.
Me: Listen up, these kids are from the gen ed course. They are not as great as you and today you all are about to show them that, right?
Class 1A: YES SIR!
Me: Louder!
Class 1a: YES SIR!
Me: What are you gonna do?
Me: Again!
Me: Good! Now get your asses up in the top 20's.
Bakugo: You fucking gonna go for first place?
Me: Hell yeah but no need to hold back for me.
Bakugo: As if I ever would do that.
Me: Same goes for anyone of you guys.
Mina: No one has a chance on fighting you.
Denki: One would be insane to even try.
Momo: But it is kinda alluring, don't you think? We trained soo hard after all.
Tenya: I want to try it for sure.
Me: Then get your ass in a possition where you can fight me!
Somewhat, I managed to power them all up and get their spirit sky rocketing high. I was happy to see that especially when they seem to be nervous. At least now I could say that they are not thinking about the furute and nervousness. They are all looking forward to this. Of course I did the same as well.
I can't wait to stay at the top and scream my name out loud so everyone will remember me as Parallax.
This will be the best time every!

Parallax (Suicidal Vigilante Deku)
FanfictionNo one has the right to intervene in the life of another person. That was something Izuku knew but ignored soo many times. He wanted to help, and the only way to do so was to become Parallax. A person nonexistent to the world but yet living to help...