Parallax! That's who I am!

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Let's say I've come a far way in life. I experienced soo much and I couldn't wait to announce who I was offical. From that time onward, I wasn't just a vigilante anymore. I also woundn't be just Izuku Midoriya, the quirkless kid but I would be The quirkless hero: Parallax! That was who I am after all.

There was nothing holding me back from dreaming as well as making my dreams reality.

This is it...

The last round.

Me and Kacchan...

I wonder if he will go all out on me as well?

Whelp, he sure is a funny Pomeranian!

I was slowly going towards the arena where this showdown was taking place. It was really just us now. Bakugo looked hyped for sure but he also looked as if he was regretting coming to face me. Can't blame him, I have soo much more experience with combat battles that this is really nothing for me at all.

Me: Kacchan, focus and be yourself!

It was also the very first moment I called Bakugo Kacchan since I came to UA. Upon hearing that name, he smiled at me and there he was. That was the Bakugo I knew and that also meant that he was about to show me everything.

Katsuki: Of course Deku!

Me: You will regret calling me that.

Katsuki: Oh really. Then fucking show it to me.

Taunting was all he could do for now since we were waiting for Midnight to give us the final go. This was honesty the moment I've been waiting for ages. Of course I didn't had anything against Bakugo but I also haven't forget what he did to me. I can carry a grudge like no other one and besides that, I already payed him enought planty of times. Still this was a chance of a life-time. So who was I to not take it at all?

You know that moment when every fiber of your body was ready and on edge? 

Whelp it was just like that for me and the moment Midonight gave us the go signal, me and Bakugo went for each other throat. He used his explotion to get to me while I ran and slid on the ground grabbing his foot to make him fall.

Me: You haven't learned a thing Pomeranian!

Pomeranian: Oh really?!

At first it seemed as if he didn't had anything in mind but I knew it better. I saw him and I could read his body language. This was how I knew that he was about to use his quirk. So in a split of moment, I did a backflip to get away from him and that just in time too.


Does he wanna kill me?!

He knows I am quirkless!

Oh you wait for me!

The explotion he aimed at me didn't worked but I already used that second to charge at him again and this time I punched him right in his gut not even carying about the strength or power I put into it. He deserved this one and he deserved it well. I mean he just used his quirk and aimed at my own chest?! That wouldn't have only imobilized me but also straight up put me in a hospital bed.

Me: I have to each you some manners Dandelion!

First thing I did was swoopin him off the ground then, grab his hand the moment he was about to use his quirk and redirect it to his own back. Of course he screamed because of the pain but his scream were curses like usually.


That was what he screamed through gritted teeth. Of course I could tell that he was hurt and that he was also about the black out but I wasn't done yet. It may not be best to show how cruel I could be but Midnight didn't yet announced my win. So there was still room to fight and go on.

So all in all, I let Bakugo stand up again while I basically jumped away. Oh boy ho0w angry he looked.

Me: Yo Kacchan, it ain't good for you heart. You know always being angry.

Bakugo: FUCK YOU!

Oh whelp, some people will never learn because this time Bakugo started running towards me again. This time he was a lot slower than the past couple of times and all I did was basically mock him by dodging and giving him one last push towards the cirlce outer line. I mean I could have gone on but his body wasn't for sure willing to pay the price of his stupidity plus I was their teacher soo I could beat him whenever I wanted as well.

Without any more words, he ran out of the circle, stumbled and fell down. 

Midnight: We have our winner now!

I went over once again to Bakugo and helped him up. Just from looking at him, I could tell how much he was at the end of his limit. He was even pushing himself to stay awake at this moment. 

Bakugo: ... Good fight Sir....

Me: You as well.... now rest Bakugo.

He slumbed down as I helped him up and of course I caught him and carried him towards RG. After that it was finally time to announce the winners. It took a bit of time to get prepared and while that time took place, I was actually changing into my Parallax suit the original one as well as the mask and voice changer. I also took the badge which absically showed that I was a full fledged licensed hero with me.

It's finally here.

This is the moment!

Nezu: Now let us announce our winners. Third place, Tokoyami from class 1A. Please come up.

I was walking towards the door which was leading out of the changing room where everyone was and my heart was beating soo fast. I was exited and I couldn't hold it back anymore.

Nezu: Next up on place two we have Todoroki from class 1A. Please come up.

It was only minutes now that I was out on the podium and that was when Nezu announced my name.

Nezu: For the first time every, a quirkless hero has appeared and won this sport festival. Parallax please come up.

That was it. I went out and showed myself. I heard some gasps coming from the people who knew who I was. I also heard my class cheering for me and when I got up and took the microphone from Nezu.

Me: Thank you all for coming here. You may not know me but I am sure you know my name. I am Parallax and from these day onwards, I am not only being here for my district but also for this city. I am also teaching and guiding the next generation of heroes coming from UA!

Proudly as I was, I took of my mask and they all were in awe. The whole stadium errupted in cheers it was increadible. The news of me coming out stepping into the limelight, might have even be the biggest news of the centuries. This was definitelly not what I expected but for soo long I was hiding in the shadows that going out and revealing who I was felt soo exited as well as satisifed.

I was who I was and there was nothing gonna change the fact that I will continue being me. A vigilante, a hero and a teacher in some eyes even an enemy but who cares.

I was Parallax!

That was who I am!

It was in my blood and I felt it in every fiber of my body.

This was my destiny and nothing could hold me back from doing what I did until now just this time, I didn't had to hide anymore. It may even be the second best thing in my entire life right next to getting adopted by Eraserhead and Present Mic.

In some kind of sense... it was a good new start for me and I was sure to continue what I've been doing. This society needed me after all and I was ready for it.


A/N: Thanks for reading this and I hope you enjoyed it as well.

If you want to follow me more, check out my new Twitter account under the same user name. I will spoil some plans, story ideas and a lot more there:

Or if you interrested in my stories getting a voice over check my Youtube channel (Same user name) out where I am doing exactly that:

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