First Event of the Sports Festival: The Perilous Obstacle Race

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It was finally the time to get out of this boring room. Not only did I pump up class 1A but I myself was ready for this so when we got out of there and ready, I could hear Midnight announce the very first tournament.

Midnight: OHO! It's Decided. For the first round the first year classes have to get through the obstacle course! The first three wins get an extreme amount of points which will help your for the next round. Good luck!

Obstacle course....

I wonder what obstacle they placed inside.

If I had to guess, it woul be a zero pointer from the entrance exam.

I know how much Nezu loves them.

Oh whelp...

Let's see abou that.


Look at Shoto!

He gonna freeze the floor.

I can see it.

The door to the first race was still closed but I could see the signs from Shoto's arm that he was about to freeze the floor beneath him. It was just the way he was standing right now that was giving it away. Thanks to that, the moment the door opened, I jumped and immediately started gliding over the smooth surface which he created.

I wasn't the only one noticing that. It seems that most of class 1A, almost everyone noticed it too. That was how hard they were training to get to this point. I was really proud of them but I couldn't be distracted since this time I was sure to win this all.

Me: See ya at the end zone!

That was all I said before lowering myself a bit to run and slide faster. It was something I learned from running and jumping from roof to roof in winter. Back then I used to slide off and fall from some rooftops too. Gosh how the fall hurt and most of the time I managed to safe myself somehow or I was lucky to end up in the dumpster. No matter what, I still continued until I got the tirck behind it. This was how I was currently able to run above the ice as if this was my quirk which it wasn't. All that was behind this was skill.

Midnight: Oh this is quite interresting.

Mic: It is indeed. 

Nezu: My very own student is taking the lead.

Aizawa: *sigh* Since when is he yours?

Nezu: Since the moment this class 1N student entered class 1N.

While I was running, I could see  Villain Robots from the Entrance exam block the way and trying to attack us. Too bad for them that it was quite easy to get past them without a fight. That was what I did and ran staright for the next obstacle. 

I wonder how the others will get past these without any effort?



I should have known that something like this would happen.

Just one look behind me and I saw Shoto freezing every robot in place. Then again what else is he about to do burn them? I knew as well as the class that this damn bicolored boy could use his fire side and he wouldn't even hesitate anymore. The only thing why he didn't used it till now was because he wanted to mess with his own father which I soo knew was in there.


This is hilarious!

Look at the other struggeling!


This is really something else.

How about I make it far more complicated for them?

If this villain robot is here then surely the zero pointer is too!

I couldn't hide a cheshire smile away anymore. This was more than just entertaining by now. I mean was I abuot to make it hell for class 1A as well? YES! Definitelly. This wasn't an obstacle for me anyways. So I gotta get my fun as well.

Thinking like that I continued to run until I saw it. There was this huge ass robot which was definitelly from the entrance exam where everyone ran away from it or so I heard. When I got closer to it, it started attacking me of course but it was huge, heavy and slow. Needless to say that I was able to predict its acction and take precautions. That also meant climbing up it hand in the best moment when I could jump on and then get where the main pannel of the electric circuit was.

Now let's see how you will face one that is a bit faster as well as out of controll?


Mic: Damn I got chillls. Somoene else felt it too?

Aizawa: Shut it.

Mic: Whelp I am curious to see what this little listener did.

Once I was done messing with the robot, I jumped away from it, rolled down and started running away. Now this was an obstacle worth for class 1A and the others. It took team work to get it down after all. That was what I created out of that stupid robot just by rewireing it.


What is this?

A canyon?

Am I supposed to balance my way through?

Whelp not much then running on a rooftop anyways.

This stage two was definitelly not an obstacle for me at all. This was also how I just simply ran over and stopped to look backwards. No one managed to follow me yet. They were all busy with that huge robot and I couldn't help it but snicker a bit more.

Seems as if I did a good job there.

Oh whelp they sure will find out a way to deal with that robot.

I mean if Shoto and Katsuki work together than they will defeat it.

Same goes with Ochako and Momo.

I am sure even Denki combined with Mina can get rid of it.

They just have to work together and not independendly.

Guess they have to learn a bit more but this shouldn't take them too much time anywa-

Oh seems as if they just made it!

I saw a huge explosion and knew that it was Bakugo who just went berserk on the zero pointer. Now that I made sure they were alright, I turned back forward and contine to the third and final stage as I knew it. I wanted to beat the high score of this obstacle race anyways. 

Not as if I didn't beat it by now....

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