When I started to walk home since it was already very late, I didn't realise that I've came to my school instead of home. This was certainly not the destination I wanted to end up especially since I knew that school was long over and I was the only one around besides a couple of teachers in the school building probably.
Why did I even come here....
School is over for goodness sake....
I wonder if I should go in and ask for some task in order for them not to inform my mother...
Oh who am I kidding... they will inform her eitherway.
It's worthelss to get in, I might as well get back home.
Better get ready to get beaten up when I go home.
... yeah....
Maybe it is for the better that an accident happen and I die.
As I was going home, I was attacked by a sludge villain. I didn't even realized it myself until I couldn't even breath anymore. It was also that accident I was hopeing for. It wasn't my week and certainly not my day after waking up at Eraserheads place. This was just perfect way to get away from everything.
At least I don't need to live another day!
This is really the best gift heaven could make me.
I hope this will go fast.
I may be supposed to struggle but it wasn't worth it. I couldn't see why I should do that when I welcomed this chance of death and so stopped struggling and the sludge villain stopped for a moment clearly confused why his victim would do that.
Villain: Why did you stop struggling?
He removed a bit of sludge from my head so I could answer him and I did. I didn't wanted to be rude at all. Why should I do that when he was doing me a favor anyways. It was this chance that I loved and awaited for so long now. It was just pain and missery in my life. Why else did I wanted to die if not for that?
Me: It's pointless, why should I? I am just useless. If you think, you can use my body for anything than be my guest!
It was my own intuitioon that told me that this villain was trying something since he attacked a kid like me and not anyone else who was walking in this tunnel. It was weird even if I was thinking about that. Why would a villain hide in a tunnel if not to wait for a chance to get the controll over someone or hostage situation.
It couldn't be a hostage situation since there was no hero around so the only reason left was that this villain wanted something from me specifically.
The way how he entered my body and started suffocating me was telling me that he wanted to take over my body and with that in mind, I drew my conclusion that he wanted to use me and if it was for that then he could be my guest. If my useless body actually had a use then he could use it.
Villain: Wait... are you suicidal kid?
Me: I guess... You would do me a huge favor if you continue.
Villain: YOU ARE TO YOUNG TO THI- you know what, thanks kid. I will do it as quickly as I can so that you won't suffer for long!
Me: Thanks. I appreciate it.
Villain: No problem.
The sludge villain began to do his work and I could feel my conscious slowly fading.
Finally, I would be free!
Or so I thought, until I was blown to the side and woke up to someone slapping me.
As I was slowly gaining conscious, I could see someone in front of me. All I could make out was just black in front of me and there was just one hero who was dressed completly in black. That one was Eraserhead.
Was he tailing me?!
The heck?!
This was the perfect chance to actually die!
Eraserhead: *sigh* Are you okay kid?
He managed to get me out of the sludge in time and was right at my side when all of the sudden All Might came and started dealing with the sludge on his own. It wasn't taking a long time until he used a smash move and began collecting the villain pieces which looked like yelly and was about to jump of.
Me: ... why?
Eraserhead: Why what kid?
Me: Why where you trailing after me.
Eraserhead: *sigh* believe it or not but I wasn't. I was about to get to Aldera when I saw you.
Me: So you followed me from there on?
Eraserhead: *sigh* Kid, you need help.
Me: I don't and I never asked for it.
Here I had a hero in front of me and another one who finished and was about to jump off into the sky and just vanish as fast as he came but I wanted to ask them something. It was something I wanted to know their both opinion on.
Me: I have a question to both of you if I may?
All Might: Make it quick!
Eraserhead: *sigh* sure.
Me: Can a quirkless child become a hero?
All Might: No, I don't think so. Dreaming to be one is ok, but you should dream to be something more realistic. If you want to help people, there's plenty of other ways to do it. Why not be a detective or a police officer maybe even a doctor or a nurse?
That was all he said before leaving me and Eraserhead completly alone again. He was really a busy man and just because of that answere I had a picture from him in my head that was telling me what a person he was. Now I was not sure what Stain or any villain was seeing in him. I never saw him in a light like others and today only proofed that my thought wasn't that incorrect. He was a hero for the fame and nothing more than this.
Me: What about you, Eraserhead? What do you think about it?
Eraserhead: They can. I think it would be dangerous but there is a support team here making support gear, so why shouldn't they be able to be a hero?
That answer was something I never expected and it made me completly speechless.

Parallax (Suicidal Vigilante Deku)
FanfictionNo one has the right to intervene in the life of another person. That was something Izuku knew but ignored soo many times. He wanted to help, and the only way to do so was to become Parallax. A person nonexistent to the world but yet living to help...