Honestly I couldn't believe how tired I was and I was even laying in a bed the past few weeks too. Guess ny wound wasn't something light and all but the problem was about my stuff.
My stuff is still with ny mother!
I wonder if they brought it over?
I don't think so.
I can't see my own stuff...
My costume!
Damn it!
This is dumb and dangerous!
What am I supposed to do now?
As I was laying in bed I remembered some important stuff. The first thing was Tsukauchi. I did promise him to be there and talk with him over his new case... That was before that happened. Then there was the fact that I got saved but my whole stuff were still at my mothers place. That included my costume.
Just looking around the room I could tell these heroes didn't bring anything from my room over. Everything looked new and I had a good hunch as to why. I mean who would want stuff that could remember them of their past?
No one right?
For me it was different tho. It wasn't as if I was actually attached to any of the stuff at all. They didn't serve any meaning at all but my own costumr was something else. It took ages to perfect it and have all the materials I needed. All in all it was a perfect one I loved.
Now what?
I can't hop over to the police station like this!
Come to think of it...
I am pretty sure that detective came over to visit me when I was in hospital.
Yeah... So he knows...
I mean why else would he be there?!
So should I just go to the police station and enter like a normal person?
A shit.
I mean after that happening they for sure called police and backup to check what wad going on at home.
There is no way they didn't see that room.
No way they didn't especially if Aizawa did ask me about torture.
Me: *sigh*
Seeing as there wasn't really any use on thinking about it more and more I decided to let it be. The answer was very simple even if I didn't liked it but it had to be it.... The police knew who I was and since the heroes didn't that mean he was actually backing me up.
Otherwise nothing would make any sense anymore.
Come to think of it a bit more it didn't even make sense to begin with. Why would the police even back a vigilante up? Why would they cover for me? It wasn't as if I was doing a lot or something special at all. I was just doing what I have to do.
So what should I do?
Should I try dress up?
I could steal their hero costume and alter it...
That is literally a dumb idea!
Better not do that!
I wo der if they have something like a hoodie here...
With that thought in my mind I finally stood up and went to the wardrobe to have a look around what they put inside for me. The moment I ooened it the whole thing was full withstuff in all colors. Someone for sure enjoed shopping a bit too much. This was really not necessary at all since all I needed was a set of cloths maybe two but not more. Seeing this made me take back a step and look at it again.
They really didn't hold back at all..
What is this all...
How am I even supposed to wear this?
Someone for sure loves shopping a bit too much.
I can bet this is Mic's doing... Tho these look stylish... Maybe Midnight since they did say Midnight would spent over from time to time after all.
I need something dark... Something black... Ah here we go!
After looking for something that would make it easy to basically get out in the dark and hide in a shadow, I quickly changed into the things I found and started stretching.
I wouldn't be stretching if not for the wound I got. It was healed thanks to healers quirk but I still didn't wanted to do anything that would harm my body in any ways. To top that one off too, I wasn't out in ages but was laying out cold in a hospital. My physical condition were a bit rusty.
So once I was done stretching I went to the window and started to inspect that. It didn't looked as if it had any alarm system to it or anything that could alert the heroes at all. So I decided to go ahead and open it but also stand there waiting for anyone to burst into my room.
Realistically speaking that was a bit much on my side si ce it was very late at night and I also knew for a fact that Tsukauchi has to work today late. So I decided to go ahead after a couple of minutes and climb out of the window to the rooftop.
I mean who knows what security system they had in place. From all I knew they could have some fancy cameras around the house which would definitely get me if I would have jumped down into the backyard or front yard.
In order to prevent that I went to the rooftop and then jumped to the next rooftop and so on until I had to jump down on the street. While I was doing that I always made sure to check if someone was watching me or even following me. I really didn't needed Eraserhead to follow me as I would make my way to the police station.
I think the coast is clear...
Now let's go to the police station.
I don't want them to find out what I am doing after all.
I don't want them to get in trouble because of hiding a vigilante... Not after saving me.

Parallax (Suicidal Vigilante Deku)
FanfictionNo one has the right to intervene in the life of another person. That was something Izuku knew but ignored soo many times. He wanted to help, and the only way to do so was to become Parallax. A person nonexistent to the world but yet living to help...